I’m Not Generic, Are You?

I am an individual and I’m sure you are too.

I appreciate when a company takes the time to get to know their customer base and caters, constructs and advertises in a way that resonates.  I don’t like when a company takes generic demographic markers, clicks a few generic and broad checkboxes in a social media ad campaign and considers that a customized strategy.

I appreciate businesses that use autoresponders that are customized just enough to sound like the voice of the brand, while imparting the intended message.  I don’t like when businesses use the generic template response that came with the autoresponder they are using.  I’m all for productivity and efficiency, but at least make me feel like you care a little bit.

I appreciate when social media content managers change a message posted on several networks (even by only a few words), to reflect the standards or audience of that network.  I don’t like seeing @ mentions and RT (retweets) on Facebook business pages or Instagram specific hashtags like #igdaily on Twitter posts.  I must admit that I have let a few slip through the cracks on my own feeds.

I think it adds a little something extra when I see a brand making an effort to craft the content and messaging in their marketing efforts.  At the end of the day, we/they are all selling something.  It may be a product, a service or ourselves.  It takes a lot of work to create marketing messages, content, etc that is not generic and made for a broad audience.  I understand and appreciate the efforts of those that do, it also makes me more likely to buy. 🙂