If You Build It, They Will Come…Nope, Not Really.

If you build it (website, mobile app, web app, etc.), they will come.

Not likely; at least not if you don’t market it and drive traffic to it.  You just had a great website, mobile app or something else built and launched?  Great!  However, I don’t know you or that it even exists, so I probably will never see it and all of it’s awesomeness.  The point?  During the planning stages, you should also be thinking about your marketing strategy to get people to actually see and experience all of the greatness you are having built.  Do not assume that just because you put it “out there,” people will magically and mysteriously gravitate towards it.

If you tweet it, post it, or pin it; people will see it and share.

Not if you don’t have an audience or it’s not relevant to the interests of your audience.  If you have 2 followers, you are not even guaranteed that they will see it.  Not unless you post it at the exact moment that their eyes are viewing that social media network and they aren’t following a million other people posting at that same moment.  The point?  Putting it “out there” is not a guarantee that eyes will see, love and spread the word by sharing.  Build (not purchase) an audience, engage and post things relevant to what they want to see and read.

What else did I miss?  What misconceptions about digital content and business have you heard or perhaps thought?