Motivation Monday: Perspective

Yay! It’s Monday, one of the most hated and dreaded days of the week.  Why?  For many, it is the start of the work week or school week.  It means it is the end of the weekend and any fun, rest or relaxation you may have been enjoying.  I threw school into the mix because I hated Mondays when I was in school.  In college, I tried to avoid taking Monday classes and I once had an entire semester with classes only on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  However, it also meant I had to work a full day on Mondays at my job.

I don’t hate Mondays anymore.  Not because I work for myself and love what I do (I do), but because I have a different perspective of what Monday means to me.  Mondays mean a new beginning.  It is a second chance to make up for a previous week.  Another go ‘round of trying to have the best week possible.  Mondays are an entirely clean slate, for me to start over from.  The weekend is great to recharge and “get my mind right,” to start the new week off with a bang.  A great Monday helps to set the tone for a great week.  If by Wednesday, I am feeling a bit frustrated with myself, I tend to look forward to the upcoming Monday to start over again.  Monday is like my do-over for life and business.

Another way to look at it, technically Monday is the second day of the week, with Sunday being the first.  You are already on your way towards Friday, by the time you start on Monday.  It’s all about perspective.