METAMORPHOSIS:: The Storytelling Process

As promised, I have invited a couple of friends and colleagues to contribute to my blog, and today I present a guest post by my friend Vanessa, on her approach to the storytelling process.

My mind freezes in childlike wonder when someone tells me a good story. It can be a well-written song, a verbal story, design or painting. In that moment of sensory awareness, that one story is literally the most awesome thing that ever hit my brain. No matter what emotion I feel, the awesome factor intrigues me. It’s probably the same for you as well – we humans like being entertained.

You may not have ever given it much thought, but the reality is that a meaningful story is the simple, flawless presentation of an idea or occurrence. For all of you realists out there…maybe you should cover your ears and hum a peaceful tune through this part: the story doesn’t have to follow the laws of the universe.

Yup, you can dive into the exaggerated and ‘impossible.’ It doesn’t even have to follow chronological order. The effectiveness relies on it being genuine – even genuine randomness is allowed, because people want to feel something real. A story about pigs flying can actually be a great adult story…as long as it’s told in the right manner and causes some type of emotional shift.

So, what does this have to do with you? Well, chances are that you’re reading this blog because you’re working either directly or indirectly with people, and value that. If so, conquering the art of the storytelling process, whether you’re a copywriter, marketer/advertising agent, entrepreneur, or designer, etc. would be beneficial to you.

I’ve found that something really helpful is to understand that storytelling is a process of metamorphosis, and use that in your storytelling process. A great visual reminder would be to think of a caterpillar and the stages it goes through to become that beautiful butterfly while you’re prepping for your story.

For the best results, you should fully complete each step before going onto the other. Let’s have a look at them:

Stage 1: Turn Fear Into Curiosity (visualize the caterpillar)

Be open-minded. The caterpillar, bound to the ground throughout its life must first embrace the novel and possibly scary thought of being in a vulnerable state (cocoon), hopefully surviving it to see the world again – to soar into the sky (an unknown territory) as a butterfly one day. Be the caterpillar. Visualize your end goal, but let go of all preconceptions of what it should be, because ‘should’ is a barrier. Fearlessly wonder into unknown territories and allow your mind to be a blank canvas while giving yourself the permission to paint like a wild person.

Stage 2: Let Curiosity Inspire Thoughts (visualize the cocoon)

Just as the caterpillar encloses itself into it’s cocoon, it’s time for you to dive into your creative space. Now that you’re free from all limitations, begin to actually paint that canvas like a wild person, believing in your abilities and trusting your mind to project you forward into the best version of your end goal.

Stage 3: Mold Your Thoughts Into Ideas (visualize wings emerging from the cocoon)

The caterpillar, full of life begins to burst through a once enclosed cocoon. You too, are almost there. Your thoughts have carried you and you are in a wonderful place. You’re also bursting with life, ready to create something amazing. We’ve all been there…we see the end goal and we want to just run ahead, but our idea needs to be fully mature to get there. As hard as it may be to exercise patience, just remember that only a well thought out idea has the power to spread its wings to fly. Visualize the outcome you want and come up with great ideas to make it happen.

Stage 4: Make Your Idea Become Reality (visualize the beautiful, soaring butterfly)

It’s time to fly. That cocoon has served you well, and it’s now time to shake the remaining pieces off, spread your wings and soar into the experience. At this point, you should have a solid concept that you can run with. You should be able to implement it flawlessly from beginning to end.

And now, as you soar in confidence with your storytelling process, knowing that you have a solid foundation and structure, look around and observe all of the bright eyes gazing in awe of your presence…and storytelling.