Marketing to Millennials

Marketing to Millennials

Create a Values-Based Brand

Millennials are more socially inclined.  They want to know that your company’s social identity aligns with their own.

Facebook Isn’t Enough

Make sure your brand presence is active across all major social platforms. Leaving off even one could raise Millennial suspicion about your product offerings.

Partner with Real People

Commercials or obnoxious ads have no place in the minds of Millennials.  They won’t hesitate to use an ad-blocker which makes your efforts to reach them futile.

Humanize Your Business

Your business is dependent on the extent you want to be personal when using social media.  In any case, make sure being human about it is a big part of the equation.

Be Transparent

Real and honest comments are important when you respond to your customers.  Not only is it worth the time and money, it also lets them know you care about their concerns.
