Entries by Colleen Eakins

Looking for a Small Business Loan?

So it seems I may have inadvertently started a series (of posts) centering around what was going on when I went missing from my blog for a year.  I promise there are happy endings and learning lessons wrapped up in all of these posts. 🙂 When things got tough with my business, I started to […]

How I Made it Through a Tough Time with My Business

So last week I announced that I was back from my hiatus and that there had been a myriad of reasons for my absence.  Over the next few weeks or so, I plan to write about some of those reasons that held me back and caused me to take a break from writing.  One reason […]

I’m Back from my Blogging Hiatus

She’s back!  Over the past few months I have been quietly making some changes and tweaks to my site and to my business in general.  It’s been a little over a year since I last wrote something here and there are a few reasons for my blogging hiatus.  Illness, burnout/fatigue and needing to explore some […]

What Does Your Headshot Say About You? Another Installment on @eZangaInc by Me.

If you’re using personal branding as a marketing strategy or to find a job, you need a headshot and you should read my guest post over on the eZanga blog.  It’s time again for my monthly installment and this time I’m talking about the visual impact your headshot has on your personal branding strategy.  Your profile […]

Your Stuff Cannot Stink – Prove Your Ability and Worth

Yep, here we go again. Colleen is on a bit of a rant again today. What has my gears grinding today? Businesses that think they are illusionists and use smoke and mirrors to dazzle you into believing their claims. They use their messaging to tell you how great they are, but do not show you […]