Conversion Rate Optimization

Increase the Percentage of Customers Taking Action on Your Website

What is CRO?

A method of using analytics and user feedback to improve the performance of your website. It is not based on guesses, hunches, or what everyone else is doing.

Know Your Stats

Know conversion rates for:

  • Total Conversions
  • Conversion Rate:  Total Conversions/Visitors
  • Bounce Rate:  People leaving after single page view

Additional Stats

Other conversion rates to be aware of:

  • Average time on site:  a high bounce rate means a low average time on site.
  • Average Page Views:  tells you how many pages the average visitor views before leaving.
  • Exit Rate:  % people leaving.  This rate indicates the last page users view before moving on. A high percentage rate may be a red flag.

Optimize Your Numbers!

A site with 5,000 visitors per month but only 50 conversions could either pat themselves on the back for all those unique visitors or recognize that their conversion rate could be much better than 1%.

Why Should You Care?

Optimization is about getting more of the right kind of customers.

  • Higher conversion rate = better ROI
  • More cost effective than finding more visitors
  • Defends against the limited patience of visitors
