Hope Is Where The Heart – Isn’t

As creative, we are able to blend fantasy and reality quite easily in order to dream up amazing things and envision impressive futures, but then, we ‘hope’ that those dreams will materialize. The problem is that ‘hope’ itself is actually pretty ‘hopeless’, and yet, many of us believe wholeheartedly in it and allow it to […]

Thanksgiving Gluttony

Warning: Today’s post will not add any significant value to your life. This is totally a random collection of my thoughts throughout my six-day Thanksgiving holiday break. Thanksgiving Eve “Man, I feel so productive!  I’ve accomplished so much today.  If I keep this up, I can knock out a few things on my internal to-do […]

Trying to Get Things Done

I have always had a knack for helping people get things done.  Not because I did it for them or had some specialized knowledge or insight, but by helping them figure out how to accomplish the goal.  The organization, planning and action steps to execute.  For example, my youngest sibling talked for years about a […]

Burnout Made Me Lazy

Burnout made me lazy.  Here’s another admission; I suffered a bit of burnout at the end of 2014.  After things picked up and I started to make it out of the hard time I had been having with my business, I burned myself out.  I was juggling freelance work with an onsite contract assignment and […]

METAMORPHOSIS:: The Storytelling Process

As promised, I have invited a couple of friends and colleagues to contribute to my blog, and today I present a guest post by my friend Vanessa, on her approach to the storytelling process. My mind freezes in childlike wonder when someone tells me a good story. It can be a well-written song, a verbal […]

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