Cheap Graphic Designers vs. Expensive Graphic Designers

Have you searched for a graphic designer, noticed a wide range in pricing and wondered why?  If you haven’t had much experience working with or a firm understanding of graphic design, you may feel that some designers are charging exorbitant fees.  Especially when you can find cheap graphic designers doing what seems to be the […]

Why I like doing graphic design contract work

When I went through a tough time with my design business, I decided to supplement my income by picking up graphic design contract work.  Working graphic design contract jobs was not something that was new to me.  I spent four years working for 3M as a designer in Atlanta…as a graphic design contractor.  Working as […]

looking for a small business loan

Looking for a Small Business Loan?

So it seems I may have inadvertently started a series (of posts) centering around what was going on when I went missing from my blog for a year.  I promise there are happy endings and learning lessons wrapped up in all of these posts. 🙂 When things got tough with my business, I started to […]

How I made it through a tough time with my business

How I Made it Through a Tough Time with My Business

So last week I announced that I was back from my hiatus and that there had been a myriad of reasons for my absence.  Over the next few weeks or so, I plan to write about some of those reasons that held me back and caused me to take a break from writing.  One reason […]

I'm back from my blogging hiatus

I’m Back from my Blogging Hiatus

She’s back!  Over the past few months I have been quietly making some changes and tweaks to my site and to my business in general.  It’s been a little over a year since I last wrote something here and there are a few reasons for my blogging hiatus.  Illness, burnout/fatigue and needing to explore some […]

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