How to Rebrand Yourself: The Miley Cyrus Way. Another Installment on @eZangaInc by Me.

Where has summer gone?  It’s already August! Back to the topic at hand.  It’s a new month and that means another new post written for the eZanga blog.  I have to admit that I have been having a lot of fun writing for them and the title of this post might just prove that.  This […]

Looking for Stock Photography? Try Solid Stock Art

About a year ago, I was digitally approached by Taylor Hinton, CEO of Solid Stock Art, to try out his new stock photography site. Because I love supporting small businesses and start-ups (we have to stick together!), I obliged. Even though they were fairly new to the stock photography industry, I found that they had […]

What Not to Do in Your Email Pitch :: An Open Letter to “Alex”

With the digital marketing landscape shifting the focus more on email marketing, I seem to have been getting more and more email pitches.  Some of them are from spammers and some are legitimate.  Some make me laugh.  Some make me cringe.  Some get my attention, but most end up in the trash or flagged as […]

Hiring & Working with Vendors for Your Super Secret Project

Occasionally I am asked to submit a proposal bid on top-secret projects.  No, these are not government backed secret projects for the CIA, military or anything like that.  However, to the initiator of the project, they require secrecy and information is only shared on a need to know basis.  Sometimes I win the proposal bid […]

Are You Branding or Being Branded? Another Installment on @eZangaInc by Me.

It’s a new month! Well technically we are already halfway through July, but nevermore…I have another guest post on the eZanga Blog. This month I am staying within the topic of personal branding and asking, “Are you branding or being branded?” Curious? Then head on over to the eZanga Blog and check out my guest […]

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