Motivation Monday:: Coffee

It is cold, dark and gray (Spring where are you?) this Monday morning.  I had a full night’s rest, but I am dragging.  I peaked and crashed at 8:30 this morning.  Coffee time!  One cup, two cups, three and now I am furiously typing away after dancing around my abode to Pharrell Williams’ “Happy.” I […]

Social Media Tips for the Non-Tech Savvy: Twitter

What it is: Text messaging online.  Well, sort of.  Twitter is a social media network that only allows you to use 140 characters in your messages/posts.  Messages can contain text and images (linked) and are seen primarily by those following you in their feeds, called Timelines.  Unregistered users and those not following you can gain […]

Another Productivity Post: The Best From the Web

I know it probably seems like I obsess over time management and productivity, but it’s because they are two very important components for a successful small business.  At least they are very important in my eyes.  I feel the more productive you can be in the shortest amount of time, will allow you to have […]

Motivation Monday: Perspective

Yay! It’s Monday, one of the most hated and dreaded days of the week.  Why?  For many, it is the start of the work week or school week.  It means it is the end of the weekend and any fun, rest or relaxation you may have been enjoying.  I threw school into the mix because […]

If You Build It, They Will Come…Nope, Not Really.

If you build it (website, mobile app, web app, etc.), they will come. Not likely; at least not if you don’t market it and drive traffic to it.  You just had a great website, mobile app or something else built and launched?  Great!  However, I don’t know you or that it even exists, so I […]

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