I’m Not Generic, Are You?

I am an individual and I’m sure you are too. I appreciate when a company takes the time to get to know their customer base and caters, constructs and advertises in a way that resonates.  I don’t like when a company takes generic demographic markers, clicks a few generic and broad checkboxes in a social […]

Mind Your Own Business: Unsolicited Advice

This post is a vent.  Well, sort of because I am actually in a good mood, but I wanted to write about something that grinds my gears – unsolicited advice.  Before I was an entrepreneur full-time, I hated when people would give me unsolicited advice about my life.  I especially hated receiving it from people […]

Keeping Burn Out at Bay

Whether you are an entrepreneur or working within the traditional job market, burn out is a dangerous state to slide into.  I had a friend recently ask me what do I do when I feel myself approaching that edge, the cusp of feeling burned out.  I had a laundry list of things that I told […]

Instant Gratification or Delayed Gratification? Can I Have Both?

As a kid, I believed that there was a predestined and set path to life when it came to adulthood.  I was supposed to go to college, get a degree and then get a job.  Working life meant working your fingers to the bone in some way unhappily, griping and complaining, and being tired until […]

Motivation Monday:: Looking for Inspiration to Jumpstart Creativity

I woke up this morning feeling tired even though I had a full night’s rest and as the morning progressed, I could not shake the sluggish, unmotivated lag I was feeling.  I had a visit scheduled this morning at the chiropractor and it turned out I am not the only one feeling this way today.  […]

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