I have a dream…

Today is the day the U.S. officially observes Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday.  His most famous speech is the “I have a dream” or Dream speech and today I wanted to share a dream of my own.  A while back for “dream day,” I posted this to Instagram: I fear that I may never see […]

Brain Dumping

It’s been almost a month and a half since I made a challenge to myself to blog every weekday (while taking weekends off) and I made an unexpected realization during this time.  I often hear writers say that writing is therapeutic for them and when my sister (in law) started blogging, she told me that […]

2014 Business Makeover: Free Branding Review

January is the universal month for new resolutions and goals for the year. All over social media I keep seeing “New year, new me” statements and a lot of resolutions are related to appearance. So, I figured why not for businesses? Your business cannot physically work out or eat better (your employees can), but you […]

Working Around Short Comings

Do you have short comings that make things difficult as a small business owner?  A disability to work around?  I have a little of both.  I have a disability, that I won’t disclose today 🙂 and a few perceived short comings that I have to work around.  I am an introvert, I have way more […]

Fixing Jetpack’s Publicize Issues

I have been using Publicize within WordPress’s Jetpack to post new blog posts to my social media networks for a couple of months now.  At first, it was great!  I was even able to configure things to use my new custom shortlink when it posted on the networks.  Somewhere along the way, things went awry. […]

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