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eCommerce Holiday Shopping Tips

Prepare Your Online Store For the Holiday Shopping Season!

Offer Generous Promotions

Start now by sending out emails to subscribers on your list.  Promote products you sell that will make good gift options.  Offer exclusive deals and discounts that are designed to motivate purchases.

Offer a Holiday Gift Guide

Identify items in your inventory that would make great gifts for various types of people.  Highlight the products you sell according to who is most likely to buy them.

Promote Free, Fast Shipping

You can incentivize purchasing by offering free shipping after a certain spending threshold is reached by customers.

Extend Promotions

Extend your marketing and promotions beyond the traditional holiday season to customers willing to continue spending in the less competitive month of January.

Restructure Your Website

Redesign your website for short-term gift giving.  Most traffic will be researching gift options.  Reconfigure your products by category such as under a certain dollar amount or by age.

Use PPC to Reach a Broader Audience

Don’t stop with existing customers. Broaden your audience.  Use the pay per click platform to advertise your gift inventory and promote offers to people searching for holiday gift ideas.  Make your products one of the first things they see!