I’m Grateful for my Hearing :: Listening

This may be the wonkiest and sappiest post you may read from me, but I woke up this morning feeling extremely grateful…for my hearing.  It’s Spring (although it doesn’t feel like it) and this morning as I lay in bed, I could hear the birds chirping.  I lay in bed for a while just listening.  I listened to the sound of the traffic on the street below, tires rolling on pavement and the whistle of the wind between the cars.  I live in an older building and I listened as it groaned and creaked, kind of like how my body does in the morning when I first wake up (snap, crackle, pop).

I spent most of my early morning routine, listening.  I listened to the water as I took a shower, the sound of limbs and leaves rustling as the squirrels chased each other and some baby birds chirping angrily for their meal (I assume), while I walked my dog.  I was grateful that I have the ability to hear and that I can listen to the world around me.  I was also struck by how important of a tool, listening can be for business and in personal relationships.  I can be a bit of a motor mouth in that I talk a lot and fast.  My father once told me that it can be difficult to get a word in, once I get going.  I like to think that I am just passionate in what I am talking about, but I realize that it is a selfish and possibly self-centered move.  I need to listen more.  If I am listening, I am not talking; therefore giving someone else a chance to express themselves.  This is something I am working on as part of my own effort at self-improvement.  I want to speak less and listen more.

In business, listening may be the key to being successful.  If a business relies on customers and clients to thrive, listening to what they want, what they hate and what they have to say, can direct you towards serving them better.  When they are happy and satisfied; you will be happy and satisfied with the revenue that is generated.  People like to feel like the money they are spending is worth it.  If they are not satisfied, then it is a waste.  Sometimes it can be difficult to listen when we are talking and when I say talking, I mean marketing.  We are constantly crafting and bombarding people with our marketing messages.  We want to speak to them, connect with them and talk to them about what we think they want to hear.  What we think will endear them to us and buy.  Maybe we need to listen more, maybe they can not get a word in because we are talking too much or they do not feel that what they have to say will be received, because all we do is talk?

I know a few brands that genuinely seem interested in listening to their client base and actively listen, solicit feedback and make improvements based on what they are hearing.  I think we all should be doing this.  I was grateful this morning for my hearing and that I could listen to nature and the world around me.  Now, I need to show that gratitude by listening more in general.