influencer marketing still works

6 Reasons Why Influencer Marketing Still Works

1. It increases the momentum effect

New and exciting discoveries of receiving plenty of likes, comments and shares via social media is equivalent to running a successful ad campaign.

2. It increases trust

82% of people in the U.S. trust views from people they know.  66% trust views and opinions posted by online customers even more than any kind of advertising run by a brand on TV, newspaper or similar outlet.

3. It provides inspiration

Influencers are in a position to share informative ways to use a product or service that others can relate to.  It’s one of the best ways to drive sales.

4. It can manage all brand channels

Social media’s fragmentation across brand channels allows influencer programs the capability of scaling more easily and travel more efficiently across all platforms via multiple influencer accounts.

5. Faster and better content

About half of surveyed marketers indicated that influencer content performs better than brand-produced content particularly in terms of eliciting positive engagement from brand customers and prospects.

6. Live reactions can be tailored

If set up properly, influencer marketing content can be ranked against other marketing efforts to help brands produce similar content that performs well before being displayed on a channel.
