Law of Attraction for Business :: Food for Thought


The basic foundation of the “Law of Attraction” can be applicable to small business owners and entrepreneurs just starting out in their business ventures.  Proponents of the Law of Attraction believe that like attracts like.  If you put out negative energy, you will receive negativity in return, but if you put out positive energy, you will receive positivity in return.

We can apply that concept to business in this way:  If you are constantly focused on negative thoughts like a fear of failure and allow that fear to color your every action and thought when it comes to your business, you will probably fail.  Why?  Because you already believe that you will, but you are hoping that you won’t.  How can you expect to succeed when you already believe that you will fail?

Conversely, if you believe in yourself, your product or service and your business, you will succeed.  This does not mean that you will not face speed bumps and stumble along the way, but if you keep that belief that in spite of everything, you will succeed, you will.  You just have to figure out a way to make that belief come true.