
Top 5 Podcasts for Marketers

Podcasts are a huge trend. 21% of Americans listen to them because they use audio content instead of written or visual and it can be listened to at any time.


Gary is a bestselling author and thought leader who uses a rotating panel of celebrity guests on his show to answer your industry related questions.

Call to Action

Hosted by Unbounce, a company that artfully uses digital marketing campaigns to improve market bounce rates on landing pages.  Guests are a regular part of the program as well.


A weekly podcast with a heavy focus on copy writing. It also covers subjects such as SEO, email marketing and digital marketing.  It uses an interview format to engage subject matter experts.

Social Pros

Hosted by Jay Bear and Adam Brown. Keeps up with market changes while simultaneously offering expert commentary on market impact.

The Tim Ferriss Show

Pointers from the best-selling author of the book, The Four Hour Work Week.
