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Quick Marketing Research Guide

The Digital Impact.

Mobile Devices

Market research has evolved.  No longer are pen and paper surveys, one-on-one interviews, and focus group discussions the norm.  Mobile market research now makes use of devices like smartphones to make queries, distribute polls, and analyze product usage from posts stemming from various network platforms.

Social Media

Understanding what consumers like or dislike through social media and other channels can help your business identify a particular audience’s major influencers which can also be used to build authority as well as ongoing relationships.

Learn the Language

The best connection your business can make with its audience is to learn the digital language which can be mimicked in promotional ads which can increase the likelihood that audiences will go to your webpage, making conversion possible.


Take advantage of social media to gain more credibility with your audience.  Doing so can increase the range of your business’ digital marketing efforts.  Influencers have the ability to retweet information, review a product or service, or promote your company’s brand.

Software Services

Software service tools facilitate the gathering of information for businesses about their audience.  Software and services are also available to enable market research teams to scan and monitor mentions of their brand, relevant keywords and key phrases, and identify whom the competition is.