modern and inspiring logo design trends

Modern & Inspiring Logo Design Trends

#1 – Minimalism

This trend focuses on removing unnecessary details and keeping just the essentials. Minimalism is expected to retain popularity with simplicity and will extend into the future with minimal colors and effects.

#2 – Geometrical Shapes

Geometric shapes now constitute many of today’s famous logos. The equilibrium of each geometric shaped logo sets it apart from other styles. It’s because each shape can connote more than one meaning quickly.

#3 – Typographical Tricks

Designers often incorporate little visual tricks and dual messages in the way logos are designed. Typography tricks though not standard, are trendy because of the smart rendition of an identity that does not draw attention to itself.

#4 – Letter Stacking

This technique pushes the envelope by using text stacking to communicate the message. By “hiding” certain elements of letters, the designers leave just enough so that anybody can read the word.

#5 – Black and White

Black and white colors exude a sense of power and inimitable class. These logos can be used anywhere and can fit in with any design, suiting different scenarios.

#6 – Framed Text

Framed text logos can be made by placing messages inside a frame and binding it with a triangular, circular, or even a rectangular shape. The shape and the message can collectively make a strong impression and draw customers’ attention to the textual part.
