Motivation Monday:: Coffee

It is cold, dark and gray (Spring where are you?) this Monday morning.  I had a full night’s rest, but I am dragging.  I peaked and crashed at 8:30 this morning.  Coffee time!  One cup, two cups, three and now I am furiously typing away after dancing around my abode to Pharrell Williams’ “Happy.”

I will be the first to admit that I have a coffee addiction.  I love everything about it, the smell, the taste and pretending like I am a barista in a fancy coffee shop with my “creations.”  To keep myself from feeling guilty about my addiction, I periodically research the benefits of drinking coffee and caffeine.  This morning’s Google search turned up this post with 13 evidence based health benefits of coffee.  Score!

Coffee makes you (me) happy, fights the potential onset of Parkinson’s Disease, improves energy (before you crash), and helps to burn fat (will make me skinny).  Thanks coffee!  So today’s Monday motivation is dedicated to coffee, because it is going to fuel me through this visually drab and cold day…and make me skinny.