The Best Gift Idea for Entrepreneurs: An Introduction

‘Tis the season to be jolly…and to give gifts.  I recently read an article that was posted on LinkedIn by Adam Grant about the gift of giving an introduction.  In the article he wrote about the value giving someone an introduction can bring and the relatively low cost of doing so.  He also chronicled introductions given by people that lead to the evolution of some of the biggest brands to date.  For example, after an introduction by a friend, Steve Wozniack met Steve Jobs and Apple was born.  A classmate named Paul McCartney was introduced to John Lennon and, well you know how that story ended, with the Beatles.

I agree with what he said that giving an introduction as a gift is very often overlooked.  I am a big proponent of helping others and connecting people that might of service to each other.  Sometimes I have client’s that I think could use or benefit from each other in some way and I introduce them.  Recently, I was pitched by a freelance copywriter about using their services.  Not only did I feel that I had a use for them with some of my projects, I also thought of a client that could use them as well.  I introduced them and he ended up doing some work for both of us.

This holiday season, I am going to make a point of giving the gift of an introduction to as many people as I can and I encourage my fellow entrepreneurs and small business owners to do the same.  Who knows, maybe an introduction we give can spawn the birth of the next big thing!