voice search statistics

Voice Search Statistics

Voice search is changing things for businesses in how they approach search engine optimization. With the advent of the voice assistant for smartphones (hello Siri), more and more consumers are using these assistants, and the assistants are now available on more devices. If you’re like me AND you have a voice assistant that actually understands you when you speak (hello Alexa), you use voice search ALL of the time.

I can admit to asking my Amazon Echo, the most mundane questions like, “What time is it?” to burning questions like, “Who won the game last night?” As more devices are embedded with these assistants, and as they continue to become smarter and easier to use, consumers will have less of a need for smart devices with screens. This also means that businesses that rely heavily on their SEO tactics for web traffic, will need to consider the language, phrasing and terminology that is used when a consumer searches with just their voice.

Here are some voice search statistics to consider:

  • 72% of people who say that their devices are often used as part of their daily routine.
  • 52% of people would like to receive info about deals, sales and promos from their favorite brands.
  • 44% of people use their devices to order groceries and household items at least once a week
  • 62% of people that use their devices on a regular basis are likely to buy something via the device, in the next month.
  • 58% of people manage their shopping lists, using their device and voice assistant once a week.

Location of voice assistant device (Google Home, Apple HomePod, Amazon Echo)

  • Common Room (living room, family room, etc.) 52%
  • Bedroom 25%
  • Kitchen 22%


