What Is Your Brainstorming Process?

I am always curious to learn what other people do to brainstorm ideas.  Whether it is for a creative, design project; a new business concept/idea; or a marketing strategy.  So, I want to know.  What is your process for brainstorming new ideas and concepts?

Do you embark on this endeavor on your own or do you seek out a group of people to bounce ideas off of?  Which way do you think is better, and why?

Do you look for or engage in activities that help to spark creativity?  What helps to spark your creativity?

How do you determine if a brainstorming session has been fruitful or not?  How do you make your decision on what you will do or use from your brainstorming session?

Burning questions, I know, but I am really curious.  Indulge me a bit. 🙂