Working Around Short Comings

Do you have short comings that make things difficult as a small business owner?  A disability to work around?  I have a little of both.  I have a disability, that I won’t disclose today 🙂 and a few perceived short comings that I have to work around.  I am an introvert, I have way more right brain functionality than left (not a numbers person), I am a control freak, I have ADD and sometimes have a tendency to procrastinate.

In spite of it all, I refuse to let my short comings deter me from accomplishing my dreams.  It just means that I may have to get there on a different route than others take or in a different way.  What’s important is that I am finding ways to work around my short comings and finding the path that is right for me.

I would love to engage in some dialogue with you about perceived short comings that you may have and how you are working around them.  Scheduling, setting a routine, making to-do lists, setting reminders and calendar due dates helps me a lot on the ADD and procrastination front.  I wrote previously about dealing with my introverted-ness and business here.  What are some ways you work around your short comings?  Let’s talk in the comments below!