2014 Marketing/Business Predictions

I thought I would jump on the 2014 prediction bandwagon with a few of my own.  I think that 2014 will see some interesting shifts not so much in the type of marketing that we are seeing now in the digital landscape, but how it is done.  To explain, I will start with my first prediction:

More Quality Content

Content Marketing has been the big buzzword this year and I think it will continue to be a large part of marketer’s strategies in 2014.  With the advent of Google’s Hummingbird algorithm, we will see an end to a focus on blog content that is irrelevant, keyword stuffed, unreadable, and created just for the sake of ranking high on search engines for traffic purposes.  Instead, we will see a high focus on more quality and relevant content.  I think this shift in focus, will lead to job growth in the writing arena, which leads me to my second prediction.

Freelance Writers will be in High Demand

I think we will see a boom in the writing industry.  As marketer’s look to provide more quality content, they will also use more copywriters, editors, etc to create and write this content.  I also think this is the next industry that will see a large growth in the number of “professionals” that can provide this content.  I think suddenly, everyone will be a “freelance copywriter.”  I feel the beginning stages of this have already started to happen.

Every time a new marketing trend pops up, there is suddenly a crop of “experts.”  Some truly are experts, but a lot are “experts.”  When social media marketing was the new buzz word, a new crop of social media marketers appeared.  Digital marketing…digital marketers.  SEO?  SEO experts popped up making claims of first page positions.  Now, we have content marketers, managers and curators and I fear we will see many more “experts” in 2014.  They will be joined by freelance writing “experts.”  Again, I believe that there are a lot of very real experts, but I think the “experts” give the real one’s a bad name.

So, there you have it.  My predictions for 2014.