Don’t Get Deleted! Tips to Get Users to Download and Keep Your App Installed
As more people worldwide gravitate towards using Smartphones and other Mobile devices to access the Internet, savvy businesses understand the need to stay connected with their target audiences on their preferred mobile devices. A recent study conducted by Pew Research found that just over one in ten Americans are “Smartphone Only” Internet users, meaning that they don’t have traditional Internet Services such as DSL, Fiber, or Cable in their home. What is even more interesting is that many Americans now spend anywhere from 5 – 10 hours daily using their Smartphones and other mobile devices.
Connect With Your Mobile Market
As you can imagine, mobile users are among some of the most loyal, and their dependency on these devices offers you a unique opportunity to get – and stay – connected with this avid user base. This opportunity is what’s commonly known as a Mobile App.
Unlike traditional websites where people typically access your site by typing in the URL or using a search bar, a mobile app requires that your user download your app to their Smartphone or Mobile Device.
Depending on the nature of your business, you might consider offering people who download your mobile app an incentive or promotional offer for doing so. For instance, a beauty salon might offer a 10% discount on services for using the app to schedule their next appointment or service. Your mobile app works as a critical part of your overall marketing and sales funnel. Features such as the ability to send “Push Notifications” directly to your app users offers a convenient way to alert your mobile app users about flash sales, special offers, or other promotions to drive traffic to your business.
By enticing clients and customers with exclusive offers, coupons and other rewards that are only available via your app, you’re taking steps to increase customer loyalty and patronage. By adding value, the careful use of promos and incentives helps assure that people who downloaded your app on their mobile devices keep them installed.
The Magic Of Push Notifications
If you want an “on-demand” way to broadcast an offer to your patrons, fans, and followers, Push Notifications are the perfect way to accomplish this marketing feat. Instead of your message getting routed to an Email (that may or may not get monitored on a regular basis) your marketing message is delivered like a text message. According to reports, 90% of people read text messages, so the likelihood that your communication reaches your target market is almost guaranteed. Once the message gets sent through the system, mobile users will get a pop-up on their Smartphone or Tablet with your message. How cool is it to know that you get your potential customer’s undivided attention?
Mobile Apps As Part Of Your Overall Marketing Strategy
It stands to reason that you want to derive as much value as possible for all of your marketing and advertising budgets and efforts. In addition to offering a cutting-edge mobile app, it’s always a sound marketing approach to build your audience using organic methodologies and paid advertising including Print, Online, and Social Media ads. One of the reasons that using Print and Online ads is so useful is because people might be reluctant to download your mobile app if they aren’t familiar with your brand or business. Online and Print ads are effective at raising brand awareness and building trust with the consumer.
Once you’ve established a baseline relationship with potential new clients, they are more likely to download your mobile app to take advantage of the special offers and promotions you offer via your app. In a nutshell, all of your marketing efforts work in combination with one another to stabilize your blended advertising costs.
Finding The Right Marketing Mix
Most successful business owners understand the importance of getting their marketing mix just right. Not only do you want to be able to attract new customers to your business, but you also want to be able to build repeat business with your existing customer base. As the old saying goes, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” But if you work every day to build your business, you’re taking the right steps towards lasting success – and marketing has a lot to do with your end results.
Failure to target mobile internet users could perhaps be one of the biggest mistakes any business could make, because of the high degree of engagement people have with their Smartphones. All you need to do to see just how accurate this statement is, is by taking a look around you almost everywhere you go. People are always on their mobile devices doing something, whether it’s making a phone call, listening to music, watching videos, or hailing a ride with apps like Uber or Lyft. By increasing your coverage and market share with these same mobile users, you get the chance to increase your sales volume, revenue, and profit, which are the benchmarks for success for all companies.
Launch Your Mobile App and Marketing Campaigns With Ease
Want to launch your mobile app and marketing campaign but not sure where to start? No worries! The experts at Colleen Eakins Design are here to help you achieve your business goals with mobile apps, graphic design, and web design that work. Our job is to make sure that our customers look good online, digitally and in print, so they can focus on the core areas of their business where they excel. We help you get ahead of your competition by giving your customers, and potential clients access to one of the things they love the most, mobile apps!
We’re happy to work with companies of all sizes to develop a mobile app that helps them meet their business objectives. If you’re ready to extend your marketing efforts into the growing mobile market, Contact Us today to start the discussion about your mobile app needs. We look forward to hearing from you!

I’m a Digital Marketer & Freelance Writer with a penchant for all things forward-thinking and positive. I’m a fan of abundance and progress.