Announcement :: New Endeavor

I am really excited about this!  I am opening/have added a store to Colleen Eakins Design.  At the end of last year, I made a new year’s resolution to create more art, outside of my graphic design business.  I slacked off a bit at first and then I found inspiration to do something I have always wanted to do…make designs for graphic tees/t-shirts.  My own fashion style is what I call “comfortable.”  Sometimes it’s a bit funky and sometimes it’s a bit subdued, but it is always comfortable.  I feel graphic tees can be dressed up or down depending on what you put with them and they are a staple in my wardrobe (next to my pajamas).

While trying to live up to the standard I set for myself with creating more artwork, I started making graphic illustrations based on my own photography (a hobby of mine).  I started to think that I would not mind wearing a shirt with some of the artwork and the idea took off from there.  So, today I am announcing that the Colleen Eakins Design [store] is now open…with a small collection of graphic t-shirts.  I plan to continue to expand the store, but for now I am starting small.

Take a looksie and let me know what you think!  I am always open to feedback and ways I can improve!

Store Link: