Entries by Colleen Eakins

Social Media Superlatives

Flipping through an old high school yearbook (shout out to Pine Forge Academy!), I stumbled upon the superlative’s section and it made me smile.  “Most Likely to Succeed” and “Best Looking” were a couple of the normal ones you see and “Most Likely to Return and Teach” was one of the unusual ones we made […]

Look What I Found: Monday Motivation

It’s amazing what a simple Google search can turn up.  Well, that’s not really what is amazing; me not thinking to do it before is what is amazing.  On to one of my favorite topics: Mondays.  I talk about them a lot and this morning I performed a Google search for “Monday Motivation.”  What I […]

“Reasonable” Usually Means “Unreasonable”

This is a bit of a vent… rea•son•able  adjective \ˈrēz-nə-bəl, ˈrē-zən-ə-bəl\ a :  being in accordance with reason <a reasonable theory> b :  not extreme or excessive <reasonable requests> c :  moderate, fair <a reasonable chance> <a reasonable price> d :  inexpensive According to Merriam-Webster, that is the definition of reasonable.  However, in the business world it seems to meet this definition: un•rea•son•able adjective \-ˈrēz-nə-bəl, -ˈrē-zən-ə-bəl\ : not fair, sensible, or appropriate : not reasonable a :  […]

What To Do When You Have Nothing To Write About

They say every great writer experiences writer’s block…well; I’m not a great writer.  I enjoy writing and I see it as a creative outlet for my brain to dump out its contents.  However, sometimes it’s content is empty and I cannot think of anything to write about.  That is my writer’s block.  It seems to […]

Writing to 10th Graders

Over the weekend I had a conversation about marketing and writing with my mother.  A client of mine had written a scholarly paper and wanted to use it as the basis for an ebook.  The intent with the ebook was to get people to sign up for a mailing list (they would receive a free […]