Entries by Colleen Eakins

Monday Morning Pick Me Up

As you can see if you frequent this blog space, I have an unhealthy preoccupation with Mondays.  In my past life (corporate America) I hated and dreaded them and as a freelancer, they hold a new perspective and viewpoint.  However, the last couple of Mondays in my current location have been rainy, gray, dark and […]

Image Diversity in Advertising

I recently received an email from a stock photography site that I use with the title, “Real Imagery of Modern Moms and Dads.”  The email highlighted a collection of images they had pulled together that showed diversity in what today’s families look like.  Visuals have always been an important part of marketing, but even more […]

It’s A Rainy Monday; Time To Get Positive

My current location:  Atlanta Georgia Suburbs It is raining cats, dogs and armadillos.  My view outside my office windows looks like it is 7:45 pm and not 7:45 am.  We are under a severe weather threat and flash flood warnings.  It’s also Monday.  Time to get positive, so here is what I’ve got: We are […]

Why You Should Not Design Your Logo in Photoshop

Spoiler Alert:  Adobe Photoshop is not the end all, be all of design.  It is not the only design software on the planet and as a designer; I am telling you that any designer worth their salt does not only use Photoshop.  Each of the different software programs that Adobe makes is a “tool” used […]

Mr. & Mrs. High Maintenance:: Client Relations

Every freelancer and small business owner, will at some point in their, career meet Mr. or Mrs. High Maintenance.  They may even patronize your business together.  Learning how to effectively communicate and set boundaries will be critical when dealing with them.  Not all high maintenance clients are bad, there are different levels within the high […]