Entries by Colleen Eakins

Design Trends for 2022

Graphic design is more than showcasing what is trendy for a specific period. It is a reflection of society’s successes, challenges, and hopes. Through the pandemic there have been hard discussions and self-introspection of values and wishes. How can designers take these learnings and create visual experiences that pull emotion out of its viewers?

The Designer Diaries | James Omedo

Colleen EakinsColleen Eakins is a dynamic and creative individual that possess a knack for great design. With over 15 years of experience in the field of graphic design, Colleen is able to effectively brand her clients with great design pieces. Her motto is: “Anyone can make a pretty picture, but is it effective? Will it […]

The Designer Diaries | Vanessa Cummings

Welcome to a new series hosted by Colleen Eakins Design! To learn more about the design industry, we are inviting design and industry professionals to sit down and chat with our team. We will learn more about their background, career path, and what makes them “a creative type”.

Mobile vs Desktop Website visitors

What is the growth of mobile usage for the past 5 years? What are the trends? What types of behaviors do we see from mobile website visitors vs. desktop website visitors?

Why Personalization Matters

Why does personalization matter? Well, it can lead to an increase in sales revenue by impacting a customer’s purchasing decision. Check out this information for a few stats!