Entries by Colleen Eakins

Turning Down Work :: Saying No

Sometimes I have to say “no” and turn down work.  Sometimes it is because I know that with my current workload, I cannot realistically complete the job and give it the attention it deserves.  Sometimes it is because the work is outside the scope of services that I offer (even if I may be somewhat […]

What Perception Does Your Social Media Give About Your Brand?

It’s a new year and many of us are reviewing our marketing strategies for the new year…or you have already done so.  Social media has become a large part of how brand’s market themselves and/or how they connect and engage with their customer base.  Because social media gives viewers a perceived snapshot of a brand […]


I am sure that we have all been a victim of a spammer at some point in our digital lives and most of us equate spam with email.  However, some of us may be perpetrators of spam and not realize it.  I see spam as being anything obtrusive, invasive and unwanted.  So, unsolicited emails selling […]

Finding Out You Are Not as Smart as You Think

I am sure this is something that happens to many of us, a moment when you realize you aren’t quite as smart as you thought.  This can happen when someone proves you wrong or when a great idea turns out to be a terrible one.  For me it’s often in the form of a “great […]

Bloggers Should Stop Blogging?

After writing my post about Brain Dumping, I read this post on Christopher Mance’s blog, “Calling for Death to the Daily Blog.”  In it he talks about an article he read from an Atlanta entrepreneur saying in essence, that daily bloggers needed to stop daily blogging.  It is flooding the internet, they often lack depth, […]