Entries by Colleen Eakins

Fixing Jetpack’s Publicize Issues

I have been using Publicize within WordPress’s Jetpack to post new blog posts to my social media networks for a couple of months now.  At first, it was great!  I was even able to configure things to use my new custom shortlink when it posted on the networks.  Somewhere along the way, things went awry. […]

Being an Introverted Freelancer

I am an introvert, a freelancer and an entrepreneur.  However, I did not learn that I was an introvert until a couple of years ago.  My mother is an introvert and my father is an extravert.  Because I have the personality of my father, I have always been branded as an extrovert and my introverted […]

Long Hashtag Gripe: #iOnlyHave140characters

I have a hashtag gripe.  While I love that brands are embracing social media and making custom hashtags for us to follow and engage with them, why must some of them be so long?  I only have 140 characters!  I was watching TV a few nights ago and saw a KFC commercial that illustrates this […]

When the Boss Gets Sick: Part 2

Yesterday I talked about how I use auto responders and auto reply emails to notify clients and potential clients that I am out of the office.  This is a great way to notify people that I am out, but not so great if a client has an emergency that they need taken care of.  This […]

When the Boss Gets Sick: Part 1

I do not get sick very often, but I recently fell ill to the point that I needed to take some time off from work.  The great part about being the boss is that you do not need to file a vacation request or ask for sick leave.  However, the awful part about being the […]