Entries by Colleen Eakins

Making Use of Google Products

Most people are only aware of how to use Google as a search engine tool, but if you operate a small business, you may find Google’s various free tools to be beneficial.  Google has a full suite of tools that range from free – to paid, for business usage.  Today’s post will focus on the […]

5 Free Small Business Tools

Technology has been my greatest ally for running my business.  I often say that if it were not for technology, I am not sure that I would have a business.  Over the past few years, we have seen a rise in tech start-ups; that are creating a slew of online applications, mobile apps, and services […]

Your Business Needs A Blog :: Part 2

Last week I talked about why your business needs a blog; and because I was fearful that if I made the post too long, you would get bored, I broke it into two parts.  This post will focus more on the increase in traffic aspect of why you need a blog. How does a blog […]

Your Business Needs a Blog :: Part 1

When working with new web design clients, one of the questions that I ask when sorting out the content that will go on their website, is whether or not they will have a blog.  Often times, their answer is in the form of a question, “Do I need one?  My answer is always “yes.”  I […]

Think Like Your Customer, Make More Revenue

You hear it asked all of the time, “How do I make more revenue?”  The simple answer is to think like your customer.  This simple rule can make a world of difference when applied to your marketing plans, product development and the services you offer.  Often times, businesses approach their marketing from their own perspective, […]