Continuing Education with Colleen Eakins Design

For Colleen Eakins, designer and small business owner, it is important to stay up-to-date on industry trends and best practices in the world of marketing and design. These are two fast paced industries and allowing yourself the time and space to continue learning about your profession will enhance your professional skillset and elevate your company offerings.

Professional Association Memberships

Pending your resources, subscribing to associations that aligns with your role, skillset, region and/or industry is a great way to advance your knowledge. Checking in with your local chamber of commerce can help aid in the search of associations that may be beneficial for members of your company.

Many offer access to webinars, trainings, networks, and additional resources to help bring new life in to your company and team. Pending the size of organization and how many members on your account, will determine the pricing for each membership of organizations you are interested in. Organizations are also made for specific demographics of business owners to feel a comradery with your fellow entrepreneurs as you make your way through the business world. Graphic Artists Guild is an organization that Colleen is a member of to help keep her on her toes.


If memberships to an organization may not be possible due to budgetary purposes, subscribing to publications (printed or digital) can help develop your knowledge of the industry and skills.

For the content marketing, is a platform that helps inspire the business process and campaigns. It is an online “think-tank” where millions of users come together to ignite and develop ideas. Membership starts at $5/month and may be useful for your design and editorial staff to be a part of.

Also, perusing the local library or bookstores for magazines and books that offer instructive materials is a great resource for professional development. Following several publications that have thoughtful and informative articles that relate to your individual skillset and various disciplines (i.e. graphic design or UX design), will be valuable for the team. Sparks of inspiration are always needed to keep their ingenuity going.

Professional Courses

For many, taking part in certifications or courses can help put in to practice what was taught or shown at webinars and in articles. There are many levels of how that can be achieved – through a doctorate in your discipline to a certification in a new software program. Evaluating your need is a crucial first step in investing in professional courses.

LinkedIn Learning is a great way to take individual courses without the cost or time commitment of a full degree. This can be acquired on an individual basis or through a company-wide benefit.

The Side Gig

Periodically, if time allows, a great way to stay current is to do part-time freelance opportunities. Temporary, contract assignments can help relieve the monotony from your 9 to 5 job and also enhance professional skills overall. Not only on how to deal with various personalities, industries, but stretch your skillset by the type of work needed at the new organization.

Working with placement agencies or online job listing (ex: Upwork or Fiverr) platforms will allow you the flexibility to choose your assignment and availability to not interfere with your main employment status.

As a small business owner, if applicable, taking on a “side hustle” can offer insight in to the inner workings of other organizations to compare to your own operation. These comparisons can help alter your internal processes to become more efficient and in line with industry standards and best practices.

Looking Forward

Professional Development is a very personal decision and journey. From the time commitment, cost, and support-professional and personal, it can seem daunting and impossible. Knowing what is available to you through your organization by speaking to a benefits specialist or HR representative can be a first step in determining the path you need to take. From there, what is your goal and what do you need to do to get there?

Colleen Eakins Design is available to help offer additional suggestions for design, marketing, and small business resources – ask us.

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