Writing to 10th Graders

Over the weekend I had a conversation about marketing and writing with my mother.  A client of mine had written a scholarly paper and wanted to use it as the basis for an ebook.  The intent with the ebook was to get people to sign up for a mailing list (they would receive a free […]

Playing with My Emotions: The Emotional Sell

Piggy backing on what I wrote about earlier this week with “It Takes More to Keep Our Attention,” emotions are one way that marketers use as gateway into our pockets and hearts.  J  I know it works on me, so I will assume it works on others as well. Make me mad and I want […]

It Takes More to Keep Our Attention

Advances in technology and industry have made it harder to please people.  We are a society that is often distracted, busy, impatient and easily bored.  Look at how children stay entertained or at least what is manufactured and marketed to keep them entertained.  A long, long time ago, just a rock, forked twig and a […]

Why I Love Marketing

I had a conversation with my brother over the weekend about why we love marketing.  He graduated with a degree in marketing and we talked about some of the reasons why he wanted to get into the field.  As a designer, I was instantly thrust into the field the minute I landed my first job […]

Learning to Appreciate Feedback & Negative Criticisms

While I pride myself on being thick skinned enough to not allow negative criticism or feedback to get me down, sometimes it does.  As a designer, I learned way back in art school that art is subjective.  Not everyone will like it, especially professors.  My design professors were very hard on us during critique.  They […]

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