Almost Wordless Wednesday…

…because I’m writing this short paragraph.  My brain is on the fritz and too full of project details, strategies and creative design ideas.  Yesterday I put my rain boots on the wrong feet and couldn’t figure out why they “didn’t feel right” for a good 15 minutes.  I actually thought it was because my pants […]

Monday Morning Pick Me Up

As you can see if you frequent this blog space, I have an unhealthy preoccupation with Mondays.  In my past life (corporate America) I hated and dreaded them and as a freelancer, they hold a new perspective and viewpoint.  However, the last couple of Mondays in my current location have been rainy, gray, dark and […]

Image Diversity in Advertising

I recently received an email from a stock photography site that I use with the title, “Real Imagery of Modern Moms and Dads.”  The email highlighted a collection of images they had pulled together that showed diversity in what today’s families look like.  Visuals have always been an important part of marketing, but even more […]

It’s A Rainy Monday; Time To Get Positive

My current location:  Atlanta Georgia Suburbs It is raining cats, dogs and armadillos.  My view outside my office windows looks like it is 7:45 pm and not 7:45 am.  We are under a severe weather threat and flash flood warnings.  It’s also Monday.  Time to get positive, so here is what I’ve got: We are […]

Why You Should Not Design Your Logo in Photoshop

Spoiler Alert:  Adobe Photoshop is not the end all, be all of design.  It is not the only design software on the planet and as a designer; I am telling you that any designer worth their salt does not only use Photoshop.  Each of the different software programs that Adobe makes is a “tool” used […]

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