Realizing A Dream
I can’t wait to see how the future unfolds for me because I am not done dreaming. I still have more dreams to make come true. – Colleen Eakins The year is quickly coming to a close and I have been taking a little time to do some self-reflection. I am doing it to remind […]
Colleen Eakins is a dynamic and creative individual that possess a knack for great design. With over 15 years of experience in the field of graphic design, Colleen is able to effectively brand her clients with great design pieces. Her motto is: “Anyone can make a pretty picture, but is it effective? Will it make your customer buy your product or use your services? My design tries to answer with a YES!”
How to Make Your Head Explode
If you are a small business owner, entrepreneur, solopreneur or a freelancer, you are constantly looking for ways to increase the profitability of your business. This could be from a logistics standpoint or from a marketing standpoint, but no matter what, consuming information is the base to do so. Why; because knowledge is power. Knowledge […]
Colleen Eakins is a dynamic and creative individual that possess a knack for great design. With over 15 years of experience in the field of graphic design, Colleen is able to effectively brand her clients with great design pieces. Her motto is: “Anyone can make a pretty picture, but is it effective? Will it make your customer buy your product or use your services? My design tries to answer with a YES!”
The Best Gift Idea for Entrepreneurs: An Introduction
‘Tis the season to be jolly…and to give gifts. I recently read an article that was posted on LinkedIn by Adam Grant about the gift of giving an introduction. In the article he wrote about the value giving someone an introduction can bring and the relatively low cost of doing so. He also chronicled introductions […]
Colleen Eakins is a dynamic and creative individual that possess a knack for great design. With over 15 years of experience in the field of graphic design, Colleen is able to effectively brand her clients with great design pieces. Her motto is: “Anyone can make a pretty picture, but is it effective? Will it make your customer buy your product or use your services? My design tries to answer with a YES!”
Beyoncé:: No Promotion was Marketing
Friday I woke up to a stream of Beyoncé photos and screenshots of her new album in my Instagram feed. In case you had not heard or are not a fan of Beyoncé, she released a new album on Friday, December the 13th. This came as a shock and a surprise to most people because […]
Colleen Eakins is a dynamic and creative individual that possess a knack for great design. With over 15 years of experience in the field of graphic design, Colleen is able to effectively brand her clients with great design pieces. Her motto is: “Anyone can make a pretty picture, but is it effective? Will it make your customer buy your product or use your services? My design tries to answer with a YES!”
2014 Marketing/Business Predictions
I thought I would jump on the 2014 prediction bandwagon with a few of my own. I think that 2014 will see some interesting shifts not so much in the type of marketing that we are seeing now in the digital landscape, but how it is done. To explain, I will start with my first […]
Colleen Eakins is a dynamic and creative individual that possess a knack for great design. With over 15 years of experience in the field of graphic design, Colleen is able to effectively brand her clients with great design pieces. Her motto is: “Anyone can make a pretty picture, but is it effective? Will it make your customer buy your product or use your services? My design tries to answer with a YES!”