Business: Feast and Famine

Every business has seasonal periods that are slower or busier than usual.  With large companies, you tend to hear about lay-offs or seasonal/temporary hires during their high and low seasons.  For them, the economic affect is felt, but not like it is felt in a small business.  If you have less than 10 employees, or […]

6 Blogs You Should Be Following

I am an avid reader and have been since childhood.  With the advent of technology and the explosion of content readily available and easily accessible online, I have added blogs to my daily reading lists.  I follow more blogs than what is listed here, but I thought I would keep the list short and list […]

Low Cost to Free Resources to Learn Technical Concepts & Software

One of the great things about technology is that it has made it easier to share information, find information and learn.  I myself have taught myself new techniques in updated software releases, CSS, some PHP, and a few other technical concepts using online resources.  Some were free resources and some were paid, but the pad […]

Finding Your Blogging Voice

My first foray into blogging was not on this site here, for business, but on my hobby site for fun in my spare time.  I am very competitive and I turn everything into a challenge that I must conquer.  I find it helps to motivate me to accomplish things and move forward in life.  My […]

WordPress is “Easy,” is Relative to Your Experience

I love the WordPress platform for building and maintaining websites.  Lots of web designers, entrepreneurs and bloggers love WordPress as well because it’s so “easy.”  When working with clients and explaining WordPress to them, I have branded it as “easy” to use and learn as well.  However, I have begun to realize that “easy” is […]

Let’s Get Social!

Keepin’ The Lights On

WordPress Theme Editor
Create your Web Presence with Namecheap

