Print Marketing Rejuvenation

Print Marketing Rejuvenation

In a digital world, how can print compete? For one, its more expensive than digital ads and two, it takes more time to develop and execute. In such a fast paced society, can this channel stand the test of time?

Starting off in print myself, this channel pulls at my heart strings. Working on in-store signage, packaging, brochures, magazines, etc., was very rewarding when you were able to physically hold the piece in your hands.

Yes, digital media has the strong hold as consumer behavior moves towards this channel, especially the younger segment, since that audience thrives on the instant global access that the digital space offers.

What can print do effectively to rival digital?

Graphic Usage

There should be a small sense that the two channels of print and digital should be autonomous from each other, but in order for print to still keep their hand in the game, they should connect.

Utilizing strong graphics within the print piece, will bring a sense that the user actually may NOT be on their phone, tablet or computer, but staring at a print piece. The use of similar graphics can connect the two styles with a consistent design throughout the campaign. However, layout is a place where the differentiation can be strongly used. A half page ad is not the same as a digital ad.


Just as we say your online media should tell a story to your consumers – so should print. Finding new and interesting ways to tell stories through print will entice the audience to continue using that channel. This can be through the use of graphics and even content. How do you drive the audience to your goal? Is it through different perceived texture made with the imagery or is it through the CTA (call to action)?

In the digital space, you can simply click on an ad or item and it directs you straight to the next destination. With print, extra steps need to be taken, such as “go to www… to learn more” – how can this be told through print to make the transition smooth for the consumer?

Keep in mind that your company ensures the stories told through each medium is consistent to stay on brand.


With print, we want the audience to interact with the piece in different ways than someone seeing an ad on social media or browsing an online retailer. This is a tangible piece of marketing and design that needs to be felt and the right quality of paper mixed with the correct effects of coating, embossing, and ink will have an immediate effect on conversions.

Your designer and/or the print vendor can help you choose the correct paper and effects to make your piece POP!

Types of Print Formats

What is it that your company is looking to utilize print for? Is it a new magazine article, full catalog, promotional stand-alone pieces? Choosing the correct format of your printed materials is a crucial strategic step in effectively making print work the best for your brand.

When surveying vendors on their capabilities, make sure they have a wide range of specialties that encompass your company’s needs.

What arenas can your company utilize to print in?

B2B Printing

When I was working for a large printer, just a few years ago, the number of projects for B2B businesses was outstanding. Large, 500+ page catalogs for industrial companies and quarterly 50+ page catalogs for office supplies were some of the main clients. Computer screens hurt eyes and the ease of marking a page to come back to, makes things simpler for purchasing departments.

If your company works solely with other companies and not the individual consumer, the use of print materials weighs very heavily in your favor. However, this does not mean you can rely on past and outdated layout designs.

Tradeshows, Conferences and the In-Store Experience

This is where print can really shine! The overall experience heavily relies on what the attendee sees right in front of them in order to make a decisions of which session to attend and the needed information for speakers, location needs and FAQs. This can and should still be connected with a digital experience, such as surveys, polls, etc. for quick data to highlight at the end of a conference to the attendees, but the printed conference packet can pack a solid punch.

Also, what is amazing about these arenas is that large format comes greatly in to play. Large banners (tear drop, retractable, etc.) are a wonderful showcase of design and draws attention to your booth or what you wish the audience to learn from your collateral.

In-store Experience

Retailers are finding it harder to drive people in to the stores for purchases rather than online shopping and this is where print can be fun. Whether its large screen prints or an interactive display – the impression of your store atmosphere is a key element to bringing in the customer. A mixture of large format pieces, with small printed materials will be a great strategic use of print in order to help guide the customer through their shopping experience.


Magazine subscriptions are still contending in the marketplace. AARP has a subscription base of over 23 million for their magazine. Better Homes and Gardens and Costco have the third and fourth largest circulation at over 7 and 8 million, respectively. This is an enormous feat for a medium that everyone perceives to be dying.

Different sized ads and their placements are crucial in making sure the targeted audience sees your piece in the intended way. Using the elements above will help ensure your brand’s goals.

Print is not a lost art and quite frankly, my favorite media channel. These pieces will take more time to execute and costs more, but the reward of holding the finished piece in your hands is an amazing sense of accomplishment.

At Colleen Eakins Design, we can help you design the needed print collateral for your story.

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