Social Media Bios:: Your Time to [Brag] Shine

Over the next few weeks I plan to do a little clean up and revamping of my social media profiles. I try to do this every 6 months or so, but I usually fail and only do it once a year. While I look over my profiles and feeds’ and periodically modify my strategy, I do not take a close look at my bios. As a result, they are currently not quite cohesive as a collective unit. I have been willy-nilly, tweaking them on some networks and I have neglected them completely on others. My Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, G+, Pinterest and Gravatar profiles all say something similar, but not quite.

Because I primarily use social media and online channels to network, my bios are my elevator pitch to the (online) world. If you have ever been to a networking event or have been a member of a networking group, you are familiar with the 1-minute commercial format to introduce you and your business. I like to think of my profile bios as the same thing. For those that may not be familiar, usually there is a portion of the meeting that is dedicated to each member giving a 1-minute introduction of themselves and their business. When someone lands on one of my profiles and reads my bio; I feel I am giving that same short introduction and a pitch to them – connect with me.

I know that I don’t have their attention for long or in most cases, a lot of characters to type/use, so I have to make it quick; to the point; and of interest to them. I think a lot of profile bios tend to be a bit bragadocious, mine included, but I do not think this is necessarily a bad thing. You have to sell yourself and you do not have a lot of time, space and words to do so. I do not see it as any different from an in real life pitch or interview. You just may have a bit more time to not sound so narcissistic. However, the goal is still the same. You are passionately (hopefully) pitching your brand to an online audience. They cannot see or feel the passion, awesomeness, need, value, etc. that comes with non-verbal ques. You have to make that happen with just words. It’s kind of like what you do with a resume…except you have a much smaller space and word cap to work with.

It’s a fine tightrope walk to keep from coming off as an arrogant douche bag, but your social media bio is really your chance to shine and make your pitch. Make it count!

