“Your Price is Your Price, but That’s Just Too High!”

Today I am on a bit of a rant.  No, scratch that.  This is a public service announcement.  If you are contemplating hiring someone to perform a service but their price is out of your budget, politely thank them and move on.  If they are a professional, they will not be offended (you can’t win them all).  If they are well established and/or have a lot of experience, they are used to falling outside of the realms of some people’s budgets.  If you would like to offend them, tell them their price is too high.

You may have quotes from other sources that are lower.  You may feel that the work that needs to be done is not a lot, or hard, and can be easily completed.  However, the statement “your price is your price” does not infer respect for their pricing if you follow it with, “but that’s just too high!”  If the price falls outside of your budget, that just makes it too high for you.  Unless the quotes are a true apples to apples comparison of everything from depth of experience to the final deliverables, the “high” quote may actually be on par with industry standards, or even considered “cheap” by industry standards.

If you have another quote and you would like an explanation on why their quote differs in price, ask them.  I know I have no problem explaining the price breakdown on a quote or pointing out why and where mine differs.  However, do not tell me the work is easy, that it will not take long, etc.  You do not know that.  If you did, you would probably do it yourself to save money or the hassle of looking for someone to do the work.

I don’t think people mean to be offensive when they make the statement “your price is your price” and follow it with a “but,” but it is.  Especially to those of us that take great pride in the work we do and our commitment to our clients.  I put a lot into the work I do for my clients and I am very passionate about it.  I am worth more than $5.

Has some made the statement, “Your price is your price, but…?”  Tell me about it in the comments below!

