Set Unattainable Goals

We’ve all heard, and possibly pondered the question: “Is there life after death?” Well, here’s another somewhat similar question for you to think about: Is there life after ‘the dream’ has been accomplished? Have you ever taken the time to think about what life would be like after you’ve achieved your goal(s)? Chances are that you’ve thought as far as the overall enjoyment of life due to the achievement of your vision of success, but what this question is really getting at is: Have you thought about how you will keep yourself motivated about life after achieving the things that you have set out to? Essentially…what will keep you from totally letting yourself go, giving up on life and becoming a zombie…or even worse…a corporate robot?

Most recently, I’ve been really thinking about some people that I know – acquaintances that shall remain nameless (due to my personal goal of self preservation). Now these people seemed to have set out in full speed in the beginning…gone to great lengths in order to obliterate mountains, and made one, possibly two amazing dreams into reality. On one hand, it’s great to have seen them achieve so much early on in their 20s, but on the other…it’s sad to see that life for them is essentially over. I’m sure that you can think of a few examples of people who made it to fame and just seemingly disappear.

So how do we make life continually be worth living, and maintain a healthy heart and brain throughout the years? Unless you trust yourself enough to continually challenge yourself by making new goals after each accomplishment (kudos to you if you do), the trick may actually be to set at least one humanly possible, but somewhat unattainable goal. Now hear me out. I’m not suggesting that you dive into a world of stress due to an almost impossible goal. What I am suggesting is that you prepare your mind to keep working on maintaining the best version of yourself.

Think of an elderly couple, where the two individuals have been best friends for over 40 years; the couple has done everything together…to the point that when you see one…you see the other. They have lived life with the goal of being with each other until the very end. What happens when the elderly lady passes on? You probably guessed it; the goal, in a sense, is complete, and the elderly gentleman will most likely pass not long after. I’m sure we can all agree that his quick passing isn’t due to old age or even health complications, but simply because in the absence of the journey with his best friend, there is nothing more to live for and his heart truly believes that. Though his passing is majorly due to him grieving the loss of his best friend, and you may not physically die from a lack of goals or motivation, it’s important to note that one can be emotionally, mentally and psychologically dead…in which case, life is essentially over and survival at that point is based on automated tasks, repetitive behavior and routine.

We can survive as robots for quite a while, but is that really living? Humans need to dream; we need to believe that there is something worth living for. If not, we just become the real versions of the walking dead. My friends, do yourselves a favor…keep your hearts and minds active by continually chasing the butterfly in the wind.

Balance the Scales

At the beginning of the year I said that I wanted to make 3 goals to reach by year-end.  You can read more about that here (click the word ‘here’).  We are now almost a month in and I am proud to say that I am making some progress on at least one of those goals–to find more balance.  As a matter of fact, today’s post will be on the shorter side because I am writing this while on vacation.

Over the years, I have found that the scales that balance my career/business side of my life and the personal/relationship side of my life are never in balance together.  If things are going well and less stressful on the career/business side, all Hell is breaking loose in my personal life.  If things on the personal side of my life are doing well, fires are consuming everything in sight on the career/business side.  I can never get the two to balance together.

Because I like to hyper analyze things and approach everything like a puzzle, I’ve been trying to take an introspective approach and look at what is in balance the most.  I figure if I can tackle balancing things on the ‘weaker’ side, I may be able to better balance the two together.

The weaker side is my personal life.

With my personal life I am guilty of not keeping and fostering relationships with friends, family and significant others.  I’m also guilty of not taking enough time out for myself.  I often feel that I’m not good at balancing the needs of others and my own needs.  I suck.  I think I’m socially under developed and on a personal level, I operate in an isolated silo.

That’s not a good thing.

I recently came across a podcast episode that featured Rob Scott (@rob_scott) on identity shifting.  In it, he talked about changing behaviors and mindsets by changing the lens that we view ourselves through.  If I continue to view myself as sucky and under developed socially, I will probably remain that way…in spite of trying to not be that way.  I have to first believe and see myself as something different.  The way I want to be.

Of course I have to actually put some actions with this change in thinking and view point, but it’s something that I think is worth me trying to do.  I see it as being similar to cognitive behavioral techniques and therapy used to help people that suffer from anxiety disorders.  The way they work is to get the person to change the way they think and feel about a trigger for their anxiety.  The initial thoughts and feelings that bring on the anxiety when the trigger is encountered are replaced with a different way of thinking and feeling about and towards the trigger.  In time, a person does not have to work as hard at replacing the thoughts and feelings and the anxiety attacks become less frequent or non-existent when exposed to the trigger.

This is something I have decided to give a try.  If you get a chance, check out Rob Scott and the podcast I heard him on here:

Now, back to vacation!

3 Reasons Why I Won’t Steal Your Idea

Over the past several years we have seen a boom in technological advances, tech-driven companies, products and services.  All started from someone’s idea and believed in by investors and consumers.  One thing they all have in common is someone like me.  Someone that understands marketing, advertising, design and how they benefit a business’s bottom line.  In the beginning, they may have only had one someone like me and now they may have a team of my clones.

Another thing they had–trust.  They trusted someone like me enough to share their idea and allow that person or team to shape the visual story around that idea.  Granted, there may have been a non-disclosure agreement otherwise known as a NDA involved some where in the process.  However, they still had to put their trust in that person.

So I guess you can say that today’s post is a bit self serving.  Because today I am going to not only tell you that you can trust me with your idea, but also give you some reasons why you can be assured that I won’t steal your idea.

Reason #1 Why I Won’t Steal Your Idea

Lack of interest.  As a business owner myself I know how much work, patience, blood, sweat, tears and MONEY goes into launching a successful product or service.  I really have no desire to invest that kind of energy and resources into something I’m not passionate about.  What I am passionate about, is what you are interested in hiring me to do.  It’s the reason you were referred to me, or googled me.  It’s the reason you ended up on my website and reviewed my portfolio.  It’s what I went to school for and it’s something I love to do.  I design.  I brand.  I understand marketing.  I combine that understanding with design and branding to create visuals that tell a story and get consumers to commit the actions you want.

While I may lack interest in stealing your idea, I am very interested in helping you succeed with your idea.

Reason #2 Why I Won’t Steal Your Idea

I already have a business that is launched and doing well.  If it wasn’t, frankly you wouldn’t have found me, or even wanted to hire me.  I also have a notebook full of side projects that I am working on launching or initiating in my spare time.  I just don’t have the time to figure out how to steal your idea and make it a successful business on my own.  Without you, your idea would be lacking something.  I would more than likely need you or someone like you, to pull it all off.  While I may be able to figure out the marketing and visual side of things, I would be missing your knowledge base; experience and the insight that makes your idea unique to you.

I make a better partner with your idea, than thief of your idea.

Reason #3 Why I Won’t Steal Your Idea

While I may believe in you and your capabilities, I may not believe your idea to be a viable, scalable or profitable idea.  Yes, I really am that honest and straight forward.  Ask any of my clients and they will tell you that I will honestly tell them if I think a path, marketing idea, etc., they are venturing down might not be a good one.  I always give them reasons, examples and analogies to illustrate why and I often try to help them brainstorm or suggest an alternative option.  In my personal life, people like talking and consulting with me because I look at things objectively and I don’t just tell them what they want to hear.

So I may not want to steal your idea solely because I don’t think it’s a good one.

If after all of these reasons you’re still feeling a bit leery, I would be more than happy to sign a NDA.  However, I can’t quote or give you an estimate without first knowing what it is I need to estimate. 🙂

My Goals for 2016

It’s 2016!  Another year has gone by and for many, a lot of resolutions were broken or left unrealized.  Now it’s time to make new or repeat old resolutions for the new year.  I know there are many schools of thought against making new year’s resolutions, so to quiet the rabble rousers, I am going to just call them goals.  Not only that, but I am going to publicly proclaim my goals for 2016 so that I can be held accountable.  I feel by posting them for the world to see and not just on a poster in my bedroom or office, I will have a little more motivation to accomplish them.

I’ve also decided that instead of making a long list of things I resolve to do in 2016, I’m going to limit my list to 3 items.  3 items to go full throttle on and execute for the new year.  So without further ado, I present to you…

My Goals for 2016

Create an additional revenue stream.  I have a running Evernote notebook full of ideas to create additional revenue sources.  Some of them are new business concepts and some of them are additional services I can offer through my existing business.  The goal for 2016 is to take those ideas and act on them.  My friend Vanessa wrote a guest blog for me a few weeks back that talked about having hopeful ideas and not acting on them.  I’m going to take some of her suggestions in that post and do just that–act on them.  By the end of 2016, I want to have successfully executed this goal.  Even if it’s just $5.00 a month in additional revenue, I will feel accomplished because it’s no longer an idea just sitting in a notebook.

Fix my eyes.  This one is more of a personal goal, but a goal that will have an affect on my quality of life and my pocketbook.  I am very, very, very nearsighted.  I have been wearing glasses since the second grade and contacts since college.  I have always hated not being able to see and when I was young it was a hinderance as an active tomboy.  I can’t tell you how many times I broke my frames and put them back together by bending staples where screws should go and using wood glue from my father’s garage.  This is primarily because tape would have made me look even more like a nerd and I was inspired by the television show, McGuyver.  I have already started doing my research and reaching out to friends that have had LASIK to gain insight on the procedure.  My uncle had LASIK done back in the late 80’s and I used to tell my parents that when I grew up, I was going to get my eyes fixed.  It’s time to act on that.  By getting my eyesight corrected, I will be able to do more activities and save the money I spend each year on contacts, contact solution and glasses.

Find more balance in my life.  Keeping a healthy work/life balance has always been something I have struggled with since working for myself full-time.  At times I feel I am doing a great job and at other times, not so much.  Towards the end of 2015 I was able to identify a couple of things that I had done that seemed to be helping.  One was getting regular massages.  I found an awesome massage therapist not far from home.  Shout out to Peace of Mind Therapy by Christine!  I now get a massage every 2 weeks and it has been an awesome stress reliever.  The second was to take vacations…and not work.  Before 2015, I was traveling for weeks at a time, but bringing work with me.  I was trying to adopt a bit of a digital nomad-like lifestyle in order to travel, see the world and still earn an income.  Now that I have added contract work into the mix, I don’t have the same need to work while I am traveling.  Last year, I took one week vacations, on three separate occasions throughout the year…and didn’t bring my laptop with me.  I was truly on vacation.  What it did was give me a break and it also allowed me to return back to work refreshed and renewed.  I want to continue both of those things in 2016 and find more ways to find balance between work and life.

To keep myself on track, I have set a mini-goal for this month.  I am going to take these 3 goals for 2016 and find a creative way to display them in my office.  The year I decided to make a vision board, I posted it in my bedroom where I could see it everyday.  I was successful with every goal on that board that year.  Since then, I have set goals, but haven’t reached all of them.  I think having a visual reminder everyday may be key to my successful completion of these goals for 2016!

A Christmas Fail

Bah humbug!  I had grand plans for a Christmas blog post and email campaign…but it was a complete and utter failure.  Here is my Christmas Fail story:

I had been a bit bogged down with client work and subsequently missed a couple of my self-imposed blog writing deadlines.  To make up for it, I came up with the idea to do a holiday post that included music and animation.  I thought that I could use the days leading up to Christmas to produce, compose, edit and animate a Christmas song.  I have a tendency to try to capitalize on U.S. Holidays as internal or lazy work days.  Because my clients are usually on vacation at this time, I find I can get more done because I don’t have the distractions of phone calls and urgent emails.  I thought it would be the perfect time to craft my video and to create an animated graphic to send out to my email list.

I was wrong.

My original plan was to use Garage Band either on my iPad or computer to compose the background music to a Christmas song.  The song I had originally chosen was  “Someday at Christmas.”  My plan B, was to purchase a backing track in case I was unable to figure out a way to hook my keyboard up to my computer or iPad.  The keyboard I have is an older one that I found at a thrift store a couple of years ago.  When I was younger, I played the piano for about 8 years and although my finger dexterity is not what it used to be, I thought that I could eek out some simple chords for the background music.  What I wasn’t sure of, was whether or not I would be able to connect the older keyboard to these newer devices to record the sound.

For the vocals, I planned to use Garage Band for this as well.  Growing up in a religious environment, I sang in church…A LOT.  I had a few acapella groups that I sang tenor in and I was also in the church choir.  I can remember my father finding a mixing board at a garage sale and him recording himself singing a song in 4-part harmony. I thought that I could do the same thing, in 3-part harmony, using Garage Band.  Now, I am by no means a solo artist, but I do think I make a good “Pip.”  As in, Gladys Knight and the Pips.

I planned to make the whole thing no longer than 30 seconds to 1 minute.  I figured by keeping it short, I could also post a snippet on my Instagram account.  I usually send out a Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays email and I thought that I could do an animated graphic that when clicked, would lead to the post with the video song.  However like a last minute holiday shopper, that ends up buying crappy gifts, my ninth hour attempt to do all of this ended in disaster.

I was met with a slew of technical difficulties.

First, I could not connect my keyboard to my computer or iPad.  I may not have had the right cables, inputs, etc., but it was too late to go find what I needed when I sat down to do all of this Christmas Eve day.  On to plan B–the backing track.  I could not find a backing track for “Someday at Christmas” that was in a key that would work for my voice.  I am a tenor, well according to some of my musically inclined friends, a lazy alto.  Never the less, my voice is low and in order to successfully sing 3-part harmony with myself, I needed a lower key than what I was finding online.

“No worries, I will just change the song and sing it acapella,” I said.  No.  Worry indeed.  My mic would not connect to my iPad so when I recorded the melody, it sounded far away and like I was singing under water.  Then I couldn’t figure out how to turn off the stupid metronome which kept getting recorded into my track.  Tick…Tock…Tick…Tock.  “We wish you a merry Christmas.  We wish you a merry Christmas.”  Tick…Tock…Tick…Tock.  Yeah, it just wasn’t good.  Not good at all.

I got so frustrated that I just quit.  No recorded track.  No video to go with it.  No animation and email.  I was done.  I even yelled, “Bah Humbug!”


This is my holiday post…post Christmas.  I tried, I really did, but it was a #christmasfail.  The lesson I learned is this:  you must do your due diligence and preparation.  Especially for “grand ideas.”  It was doomed to fail because I didn’t make sure that I knew what I was doing with Garage Band.  I didn’t make sure that I had what I might need in advance to hook my keyboard up to my computer, if it is at all possible.  I didn’t look into backing tracks ahead of time and I didn’t make sure that the microphone I planned to use was going to work.

I didn’t put in the work needed to prepare.  I wasn’t ready to take on this project and I failed when it came time to execute.  Lesson learned, next year I will be ready!