Are You Being Left Behind?

I’m going to answer the title of this post’s question for you; no you are not being left behind.  At least not left behind in the way that many small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs are.  The fact that you are reading this post tells me that.  You at least know how to use the internet, a computer or a mobile device and perhaps social media well enough that you found this post.  You are at least trying not to be left behind.

It boggles my mind that people still put such low stock into the power of digital marketing.  At this point, it just does not make sense to me that people still do not see the value in mobile media, social media, content creation (infographics, blogs, etc) and other forms of digital marketing.  I feel it’s more of a stubbornness to take the time to investigate and learn or just a fear of “the unknown,” like outer space.  It brings to mind the stories you hear about how Steve Job’s personal computer was scoffed at or how people didn’t want to give up typewriters and learn how to use a computer.

The technology train is ever moving and finding new routes.  If you do not get on the train, you will get left behind and there may not be any more stops left to board.  Even large brands are wholeheartedly embracing digital marketing and helping to expand the scope and possibilities of that marketing sphere.  If you want to compete, you cannot stay stuck in old traditional methods.  I’m not saying that they do not work or have any value, but learn to adapt and apply them to fit today’s techniques and platforms.

Being stubborn and not attempting to learn and try, is doing you a disservice.  Yes, you may be making money and doing ok, but why not do better?  If there were a way to broaden your scope, reach more people, and bring in more revenue, just by learning something new; why wouldn’t you do it?  Do you want to settle for mediocre, or be great?  Give your business the best chance possible to succeed and get on the train before it’s too late.  Typewriters…



Announcement :: New Endeavor

I am really excited about this!  I am opening/have added a store to Colleen Eakins Design.  At the end of last year, I made a new year’s resolution to create more art, outside of my graphic design business.  I slacked off a bit at first and then I found inspiration to do something I have always wanted to do…make designs for graphic tees/t-shirts.  My own fashion style is what I call “comfortable.”  Sometimes it’s a bit funky and sometimes it’s a bit subdued, but it is always comfortable.  I feel graphic tees can be dressed up or down depending on what you put with them and they are a staple in my wardrobe (next to my pajamas).

While trying to live up to the standard I set for myself with creating more artwork, I started making graphic illustrations based on my own photography (a hobby of mine).  I started to think that I would not mind wearing a shirt with some of the artwork and the idea took off from there.  So, today I am announcing that the Colleen Eakins Design [store] is now open…with a small collection of graphic t-shirts.  I plan to continue to expand the store, but for now I am starting small.

Take a looksie and let me know what you think!  I am always open to feedback and ways I can improve!

Store Link:

“This Life Ain’t No Joke” :: Entrepreneurship

“This life ain’t no joke, so aspiring and future entrepreneurs better be prepared,” my friend said to me the other day.  We were lamenting about how tired and exhausted we were from pushing hard to make our dreams come true.  I had been working on a side project in addition to my regular work as a designer and trying to figure out my taxes.  He had been working hard to realize a dream to relocate to New York and had just finished paying off all of his credit card debt (I was a little jealous).  We were having our usual “hey, how are you doing?  How is business?  How is life?” chat.  I have these types of chats often with some of my entrepreneur friends as time permits and I find them to be really refreshing.

Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle and one that not everyone gets or understands.  Having a group of friends or a circle of acquaintances that are going through similar trials, ups, downs and circumstances, provides me with a support system.  I have lost at least one friend that I considered dear to me, because they didn’t understand the demands an entrepreneurship lifestyle could put on someone.  I am still hoping that we will become friends again if/when they too, follow an entrepreneur dream that they have.  I feel then, they will understand.

My circle of support is not just made up of physical friends, but digital ones as well, some of them whom I have never met.  Sharing ideas, tips, listening (or reading) and sometimes venting frustrations, are easier to do when you feel the person on the other end has an understanding about what you are talking about.

This life is not easy.  It can be very difficult and stressful at times.  It can also be very rewarding.  My answer to my friend was, “I know.  I’ve been super tired lately ’cause I’ve been pushing really hard.   I know I can do this and I will.  I just have to keep pushing.”

Do you have a network or circle of friends/mentors that you consult with or get support from?  Have you ever lost a friendship due to your entrepreneur lifestyle?

Taking a Leap and Shouting it from the Mountaintops

Deciding to go into business for yourself is taking a leap, a risky leap.  It could be a leap into a deep pit of pooh, or a leap on to a floating cloud.  Unfortunately, you will not know where your leap will land until you take that leap.  Taking a leap in life is scary, but the act of taking the leap is freeing.  Fear was faced and a fear was conquered because you took the leap.  Whether the leap ends badly or not, the act of taking the leap was a win.  Now you know.  Knowing what could be instead of wondering what could be, helps you move forward in life.  Wondering holds you back.

Every time I take a leap, I feel free, euphoric and a bit scared.  Each time, I ask myself, “why didn’t I do this before?”  Then, I want to shout it to the mountaintops because I want everyone around me to feel free and euphoric.  Anyone that I talk to that hints at having a dream, receives an earful of encouragement.  I notice this to be true with most entrepreneurs or anyone that has taken a bold leap in their life.  I cannot say that I know an entrepreneur that does not have a leap of faith story attached to their business’ beginning.

Outside of business, you hear story’s of triumph when someone decides to take a leap and take control of their health, weight, mental health and personal relationship woes.  They shout their triumphs from the mountaintops and we applaud, praise and admire them.  My point?  Take a leap.  Everyone has something that they have always dreamed of doing or trying.  Take that leap and join those that have leapt, on the mountaintop.

Mind Your Own Business: Unsolicited Advice

This post is a vent.  Well, sort of because I am actually in a good mood, but I wanted to write about something that grinds my gears – unsolicited advice.  Before I was an entrepreneur full-time, I hated when people would give me unsolicited advice about my life.  I especially hated receiving it from people that did not know me very well, or at all.  I bit my tongue a lot, because after politely listening, I always wanted to ask; what qualifications they had that warranted me actually listening and implementing this advice.  As a business owner, I have encountered even more unsolicited advice…and I usually have that same question floating in my head.

My answer to that question is a snap judgment of “nothing.”  They are in no way qualified to give me the advice they are giving.  This is a snap judgment based only on the information about themselves that they have presented to me.  I find that in most cases, unsolicited advice comes from people that do not seem to have a firm grasp of the advice they are giving.  For example, a non-business owner giving advice on how to run a small business when they’ve never done so, or theirs failed miserably.  A non-marketing person giving advice on how I should be marketing.  A non-creative telling me what services I really should be offering.  The biggest gripe for me is that a) I didn’t ask, I was just having a friendly conversation; and b) you don’t know me, my business, my objectives and goals well enough to make an accurate assessment of what I should do.

That really grinds my gears!  I guess because for what I do, I have to gather information about the project before I can do the work; I feel the same should apply to advice that is doled out, but only if asked.  Even when someone is venting to me, I try very hard not to give my opinion and advice unsolicited.  Sometimes someone just wants to vent.  If they ask, then I tell.  If someone contacts me and wants to pick my brain, I tell, but I let them know that it is based off of my own experiences and may not be applicable to them.

I wish more people would try to do the same.  If you like to give people advice without them asking, please stop.  If you hate receiving unsolicited advice, tell me about it in the comments below.  Let’s chat…I am soliciting your comments. 🙂