Social Media Live Broadcasting:: My Conundrum

First it was Meerkat, then it was Periscope that I couldn’t quite get a handle on. I wanted to stay current and jump on the latest wave of social media platforms to utilize for my business. However, I just couldn’t seem to find a way to use them in a workable way. To be completely […]

Your Brand Is More Than Just Your Logo

Congratulations on your decision to start your own business! But before you take the first steps to launch officially, the first phase of establishing your business presence is charting your brand. When you think about “branding” in its purest form, the chances are good that logos or catchy jingles immediately come to mind. Perhaps you […]

Four Common Misconceptions About Outsourcing

In 2016, there is no doubt that the way business gets done today is significantly different than it was when most of us were growing up. Employment opportunities are more fluid today than ever before and offer entrepreneurs and business owners the chance to build their business creatively. When many people think of the word […]

Strengthen Your Business Position | Remote Freelance Workforce

As a small or medium-sized business owner, one of the biggest challenges you face is growing your company in a manageable way. If you are like most other entrepreneurs, you wear many hats in the daily administration of your operations. Regardless of whether you are proficient in handling all facets of your business or not, […]

So…I was a #startup co-founder

It’s been awhile since a new post was added to my site and it’s because a lot has been going on. Business has been good. A partnership fell apart. Pivots happened and plans changed. Essentially, the normal ups and downs of being an entrepreneur are to blame, but I’m not complaining. I can honestly say […]

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