The Reason Why Your Social Media Sales Pitch Never Had a Chance

A lot of us digital marketers use social media as a means to market, generate leads, network, advertise, etc. I lump myself into this because although digital marketing services are not what I am selling, I use digital marketing as a way to grow my business. Everyone has a different strategy for how they approach […]

6 Unconventional Ways to Save Money as a Freelancer/Sole Proprietor

If you are a freelancer or a sole proprietor like me, you are always looking for ways to save money and cut costs.  Most people tend to look for ways to shave business expenses to reduce overhead.  I take things a step further and try to reduce my living expenses as well.  My thought process […]

“Your Price is Your Price, but That’s Just Too High!”

Today I am on a bit of a rant.  No, scratch that.  This is a public service announcement.  If you are contemplating hiring someone to perform a service but their price is out of your budget, politely thank them and move on.  If they are a professional, they will not be offended (you can’t win […]

Check Me Out On eZanga!

My first regular, guest contributor, on an on-going basis, monthly, yay I get to write for someone spot!  Can you tell I am excited?  About a year ago the team at interviewed me for their Small Business Spotlight series and a few months later, I wrote a guest post.  Fast forward to now, growth […]

Searching for Blog Post Topic Ideas:: Business

A lot of the blog posts that I write stem from conversations and experiences I have related to my graphic design business.  The rest are rants, inspiration born from “aha!” moments and some are observations I make watching tv commercials.  Whenever, I have a thought followed by, “I should write about that…” I jot a […]

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