What is a Serial Entrepreneur and is it a Good Thing?

Last week I wrote about social media bios and how it is a chance to shine, brag and sell yourself.  Well, today I want to talk about a term/phrase that I have seen in many bios across social media networks, “serial entrepreneur.”  Every time I see the term, I wonder what does that really mean […]

Social Media Bios:: Your Time to [Brag] Shine

Over the next few weeks I plan to do a little clean up and revamping of my social media profiles. I try to do this every 6 months or so, but I usually fail and only do it once a year. While I look over my profiles and feeds’ and periodically modify my strategy, I […]

The Most Recent Twitter Update:  Your Thoughts?

Today’s post is really more of a question, or a series of questions.  Have you updated your Twitter profile to go along with the latest updates?  How do you like the update?  I updated my profile a couple of weeks ago, but I am not quite happy with the update that I made.  I love […]

Boosting Office Morale When You ARE the Office

As a freelancer, I wear many hats and essentially I am the entire office staff for my business.  Just me, myself and I.  I’ve written before about when the boss (me) gets sick and now, the boss is in crisis.  I have playfully referred to my dog as my coworker and over the weekend, he […]

Social Media Superlatives

Flipping through an old high school yearbook (shout out to Pine Forge Academy!), I stumbled upon the superlative’s section and it made me smile.  “Most Likely to Succeed” and “Best Looking” were a couple of the normal ones you see and “Most Likely to Return and Teach” was one of the unusual ones we made […]

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