Check Me Out On eZanga!

My first regular, guest contributor, on an on-going basis, monthly, yay I get to write for someone spot!  Can you tell I am excited?  About a year ago the team at interviewed me for their Small Business Spotlight series and a few months later, I wrote a guest post.  Fast forward to now, growth […]

Searching for Blog Post Topic Ideas:: Business

A lot of the blog posts that I write stem from conversations and experiences I have related to my graphic design business.  The rest are rants, inspiration born from “aha!” moments and some are observations I make watching tv commercials.  Whenever, I have a thought followed by, “I should write about that…” I jot a […]

What is a Serial Entrepreneur and is it a Good Thing?

Last week I wrote about social media bios and how it is a chance to shine, brag and sell yourself.  Well, today I want to talk about a term/phrase that I have seen in many bios across social media networks, “serial entrepreneur.”  Every time I see the term, I wonder what does that really mean […]

Social Media Bios:: Your Time to [Brag] Shine

Over the next few weeks I plan to do a little clean up and revamping of my social media profiles. I try to do this every 6 months or so, but I usually fail and only do it once a year. While I look over my profiles and feeds’ and periodically modify my strategy, I […]

The Most Recent Twitter Update:  Your Thoughts?

Today’s post is really more of a question, or a series of questions.  Have you updated your Twitter profile to go along with the latest updates?  How do you like the update?  I updated my profile a couple of weeks ago, but I am not quite happy with the update that I made.  I love […]

Let’s Get Social!

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