Mr. & Mrs. High Maintenance:: Client Relations
Every freelancer and small business owner, will at some point in their, career meet Mr. or Mrs. High Maintenance. They may even patronize your business together. Learning how to effectively communicate and set boundaries will be critical when dealing with them. Not all high maintenance clients are bad, there are different levels within the high […]
Colleen Eakins is a dynamic and creative individual that possess a knack for great design. With over 15 years of experience in the field of graphic design, Colleen is able to effectively brand her clients with great design pieces. Her motto is: “Anyone can make a pretty picture, but is it effective? Will it make your customer buy your product or use your services? My design tries to answer with a YES!”
Are You Being Left Behind?
I’m going to answer the title of this post’s question for you; no you are not being left behind. At least not left behind in the way that many small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs are. The fact that you are reading this post tells me that. You at least know how to use the internet, […]
Colleen Eakins is a dynamic and creative individual that possess a knack for great design. With over 15 years of experience in the field of graphic design, Colleen is able to effectively brand her clients with great design pieces. Her motto is: “Anyone can make a pretty picture, but is it effective? Will it make your customer buy your product or use your services? My design tries to answer with a YES!”
Announcement :: New Endeavor
I am really excited about this! I am opening/have added a store to Colleen Eakins Design. At the end of last year, I made a new year’s resolution to create more art, outside of my graphic design business. I slacked off a bit at first and then I found inspiration to do something I have […]
Colleen Eakins is a dynamic and creative individual that possess a knack for great design. With over 15 years of experience in the field of graphic design, Colleen is able to effectively brand her clients with great design pieces. Her motto is: “Anyone can make a pretty picture, but is it effective? Will it make your customer buy your product or use your services? My design tries to answer with a YES!”
“This Life Ain’t No Joke” :: Entrepreneurship
“This life ain’t no joke, so aspiring and future entrepreneurs better be prepared,” my friend said to me the other day. We were lamenting about how tired and exhausted we were from pushing hard to make our dreams come true. I had been working on a side project in addition to my regular work as […]
Colleen Eakins is a dynamic and creative individual that possess a knack for great design. With over 15 years of experience in the field of graphic design, Colleen is able to effectively brand her clients with great design pieces. Her motto is: “Anyone can make a pretty picture, but is it effective? Will it make your customer buy your product or use your services? My design tries to answer with a YES!”
I’m Grateful for my Hearing :: Listening
This may be the wonkiest and sappiest post you may read from me, but I woke up this morning feeling extremely grateful…for my hearing. It’s Spring (although it doesn’t feel like it) and this morning as I lay in bed, I could hear the birds chirping. I lay in bed for a while just listening. […]
Colleen Eakins is a dynamic and creative individual that possess a knack for great design. With over 15 years of experience in the field of graphic design, Colleen is able to effectively brand her clients with great design pieces. Her motto is: “Anyone can make a pretty picture, but is it effective? Will it make your customer buy your product or use your services? My design tries to answer with a YES!”