Start Link Building Like a PR Pro [infographic]

Denese EakinsDenese is a lover of knowledge and puts her research skills and creative eye to good use with her infographics. When she’s not researching and designing visuals to present data, she spends time volunteering in her other passion–health education.

Let Log File Analysis Be Your Guide

The ultimate goal of every successful online business owner is to extract as much value as possible from their website and other digital assets. However, this result usually isn’t something that happens by accident. In fact, it takes quite a bit of skill, knowledge, and time to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together in just the right way for the desired result to occur.

The most significant tool in demystifying what actions people are doing at your website is your log file. If you are unsure what a log file is, here is a simple explanation. It is a simple file output that originates from the web server. This file contains a record of all requests (or ‘hits’) that get sent to the server.

All data that’s received gets stored anonymously. The data file may include the time and date the request was made, the IP address the query was sent from, the URL or content that was requested, as well as the user-agent, browser type, and device information. These files usually are used for technical site audits and basic troubleshooting. Additionally, these log files are extremely helpful for auditing your web results and fine-tuning your pages to improve your metrics and your results.

Why is it essential to conduct log file analysis? There are a number of reasons. Since all requests to the host server are recorded, you get an extensive overview of precisely what type of activity is taking place on the site. Visits from search engine crawlers, robots, and human visitors are recorded every time they visit a page. For more precise information on website activity, operators can filter the user-agent and client IP range to see grouped actions. Using this information, you can get a better understanding of how your site behaves when crawlers or robots visit.

By analyzing your log file, you can pinpoint if website visitors, crawlers, or robots encountered any “bottlenecks” or “obstacles” on your site. The earlier that you detect these barriers in your website navigation, the better! You always want to provide a stellar user experience, so being proactive about fixing potential leaks on your sales and marketing funnel, the better.

If you notice low to no search engine crawlers on your website, this could signify a more significant issue that’s holding your site back from regular crawl activity. Low crawl activity could indicate that your site has thin or low-quality content, poor site speed and/or performance, lack of a Secure Transport Layer (TLS/SSL) connection, duplicate content, or a temporary or permanent penalty.

Another factor to consider is your crawl budget. If you aren’t familiar with what a crawl budget is, here is a brief explanation and some information on how this budget is calculated.

The first thing to recognize is that your crawl budget shouldn’t be confused with your ‘crawl rate.’ They are not one in the same. Your crawl rate refers to the speed that search engines request your pages. Whereas your ‘crawl budget’ refers to the maximum number of pages or documents a search engine crawls when it visits your site.

It’s believed that the crawl budget/allocation is determined based on domain authority. In days past, domain authority was decided by page rank or PR, as part of Google’s ranking algorithm. The higher the site PR, the more crawler activity the site received, so more pages, links, and URL’s were crawled regularly. In many cases, this meant that having a link – preferably one that utilized a keyword rich anchor text – could be the difference between getting first page rankings and not getting found in results at all. Another tactic was to amass many links from sites with lower PR to stimulate crawl activity and influence search engine results.

It’s worth noting that having a sizeable crawl budget should be treated with respect. If possible, you want to eliminate the need for valuable search engines crawlers to traverse thousands of irrelevant, links, especially if they lead to thin, outdated, or absent resources. By keeping your website and funnel content tight and error-free, you help build more authority and trust in your preferred niche. You’re also taking proactive action to prevent penalties or other ranking infractions that can negatively affect your website rankings, as well as free organic website traffic to your site.

Many people find it difficult to decipher the data that raw log files contain, so this is a time when using an internal statistics program is helpful for sorting and identifying areas in your funnel that can be improved for better results. For instance, if your Internal stat program shows that 50% of website visitors on your checkout page are clicking on a different link than the “pay now” button, this is enough evidence to warrant further investigation and the removal of the non-relevant link which blew out your sales funnel in one swoop! Once this leak is “fixed” so to speak – you can test and observe to ensure that the funnel is working as it’s expected.

You can also use a tool like Google Analytics and Google’s Webmaster Tools for further insights into the behavior and performance of your website as well. Setting these tools up takes some time and a bit of technical savviness, but once established, they offer a wealth of information about the activities, click paths, demographics, conversions, keyword rankings, and even live time website traffic data! Further, they collect log file information including where the visitor was referred from, so you can track the number of website visitors you get from social platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter – just to name a few.

The devil is always in the details, so making sure that you get everything set up right in the first place is helpful in laying a solid foundation for online success. While this can be a painstaking process, having access to all of this beneficial information gives you a competitive edge in improving your website pages and sales funnels for more conversions and revenue!

SEO Steps Every Local Online Marketer Needs to Take [infographic]

Denese EakinsDenese is a lover of knowledge and puts her research skills and creative eye to good use with her infographics. When she’s not researching and designing visuals to present data, she spends time volunteering in her other passion–health education.

SEO and SEM Vocabulary Terms You Must Know To Succeed!

If you are just getting started in the Search Engine Optimization or Search Engine Marketing industry, you undoubtedly have a bit of a learning curve ahead of you!

In this vertical – more than any other industry vertical – you’ll come to learn all types of acronyms and jargon to describe almost everything!

If you’ve never given much thought to vocabulary like keyword density, internal links, landing pages, website crawlers, SERPs, local results, conversion goals, and other phrases, that’s about to change!

To help you get a better understanding for some of the most widely used vocabulary words used in Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing, here is a short glossary of Industry related terms you need to know.

A/B Test or Testing

A/B Testing is conducted by showing two different layouts of the same web page to visitors. The software is used to track behavioral differences on Page A versus Page B. A/B Testing determines which web page is more efficient at making conversions or sales.

301 Redirect

A 301 Redirect Message gets displayed when a URL you’re attempting to access is permanently unavailable. This message indicates the destination URL changed location and won’t be shown again.


AdWords is Google’s advertising network. AdWords gets used for reaching markets via display and video ads on their partner networks.

302 Redirect

A 302 Redirect is a form of redirection commonly used when an URL has temporarily changed location.

Anchor Text

Anchor text are the words used in the text area of a clickable hyperlink. Anchor text usually describes the subject of the resource to which it links.


An algorithm is search engine technology that’s used to determine a site’s ranking on search engines.

Black Hat SEO

Black Hat SEO is used to describe Search Engine Optimization tactics that do not adhere to ‘best practices’ in the Industry.


A Backlink is used to describe any link to or from another referring website or resource.

Bounce Rate

Your Bounce Rate is the percentage of visitors that only look at one web page and don’t view or visit any other pages.

Conversion Rate

A Conversion Rate is established by counting the number of visitors that complete a desired action or goal.

Cost Per Click (CPC)

Cost Per Click Advertising, also known as Pay Per Click (PPC), is a type of advertising where the advertiser pays a set fee each time their ad gets clicked.

CPM (Cost Per Thousand)

CPM is a type of online advertising where advertisers pay a set fee per 1,000 ad displays.

CPA (Cost Per Acquisition)

A CPA Ad is measured by the total cost of each sale or leads throughout the sales funnel and ad campaign.

CTR (Click Through Rate)

Click Through Rate is established by calculating the percentage of users that click an ad.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

Cascading Style Sheets is a methodology for adding styles and changing document appearance seamlessly.

Domain Name

A Domain Name is the website address for the site you’re visiting.
(For example or

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

HTML is the website code that search engine crawlers and robots read and disseminate.

Indexed Pages

Indexed Pages are single pages on a website that get returned as results by search engines.


Infographics are designed to illustrate various facts in an easy to understand and visually appealing way.


Keywords are used to describe words or phrases people enter into search engines to find relevant results. Keywords are used for both advertising campaigns and to rank highly in organic search results.

Keyword Density

Keyword Density is used to describe the number of times a specific word or phrase gets used on a blog or a page. Keyword Density is calculated as a percentage by counting the number of times the keyword was used on a page to the total number of words on the page.

Keyword Research

Keyword Research is the process of choosing keywords or phrases that people are most likely to search for in any given market niche.

KPI (Key Performance Indicators)

Key Performance Indicators are methodologies for measuring online marketing goals.

Landing Page

A Landing Page is a strategically designed page that is optimized for results and conversions when a visitor ‘lands’ on the page.

Local Search Result

Local Search Results are search results that give preferential rankings to local companies, businesses, and service providers.

Long Tail Keywords

Long-Tail Keyword phrases are search terms that include more than two or three words.

Meta Description

Your Meta Description is a couple of sentences that display in search results describing the content of a page.

Organic Search Results

Also called “Natural” Search Results, Organic Search results are the unpaid search results. These listings appear underneath paid advertisements on the search results page.


A Query (or queries)  is used to describe the keyword or keyword phrase a searcher inputs when using a search engine.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search Engine Marketing is used to describe the different advertising techniques used to increase the visibility and ranking of a website.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization is used to describe all of the processes used to assist a site in ranking higher in search engines.

Search Engine Ranking Page (SERP)

This acronym is used to describe the results page that web searchers see after they’ve put search queries or keywords in the Search Box.


A Sitemap is a page that offers search engine robots and crawlers access to all website pages on a website.

Social Platforms

Some of the most popular Social Platforms used today include Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Reddit, and others.

Website Traffic

The overall count of visitors, spiders, and robots that visit your website.

User Engagement

User Engagement is the measurement of how people engage with your website once they’ve visited. Engagement is calculated using some factors including actions taken on the page, length of visit, etc.

We hope you found this glossary of SEO and SEM terms helpful and thanks for reading!

5 SEO Myths

5 Misconceptions About SEO

It’s hard to find a subject that’s as controversial as “SEO,” even though it seems like Search Engine Optimization should be a reasonable one to discuss. After all, the discipline is partly a science. Certainly, there must be universal issues that everyone can agree about, right? The reality is, very few consensus agreements ever exist about how to implement SEO practices correctly.

#1. Content Is King

For years, the very existence of top web content was thought to be the primary driver of search engine traffic. If your site had copious amounts of “high-quality content” you would miraculously rank for every keyword around. This perception changed when Google began to focus on many other factors in their calculations. They have no true way to determine how well-written a piece is, or how much research went into creating it. They can only guess when they look at a range of signals.

In the last few years, pieces of content that are popular tend to rank well in search. These articles or videos tend to go viral on the popular social networks, and the search engines take notice. Video quality is highly subjective, so it’s safe to say that the content may not appeal to everyone. It may not even earn the high-quality distinction. However, it’s popularity tells the search engines that people engage with the content and they rank it based on its usefulness.

#2. The More Backlinks the Better

For a long time, online marketers built as many links to their websites as they could muster. They would buy, rent, or create them everywhere they went online. The strategy was excellent in its effectiveness, and the backlink rental business boomed. However, Google quickly caught on to the tricks and began to take a closer look at links. They started to penalize site owners for links to their sites and from their sites and backlinks turn extremely dangerous instead of beneficial! The change in perception of the efficacy of these linking tactics transformed the game overnight. Suddenly people who spend their days optimizing for SEO had to take a whole new approach to their day to day business.

Now the jobs for search engine optimizers are more involved. There are no longer any quick fixes to create surges of traffic. In fact, the websites that gorged on too many links have all but disappeared from the SERPS. A new generation of authority sites now rule most keyword categories these days. They rank because they are useful and used by a wide swath of the population. These websites tend to follow the pattern of “the rich get richer” while it’s much tougher for new sites to establish themselves as leading authorities.

#3. SEO Is a Primary Driver of Business

Companies that rely on search engine traffic face a tough road. They suffer whenever a change in ranking happens. This uncertainty makes it difficult to forecast their sales, which is a big problem for a fast-growing firm. Many businesses now use PPC and other forms of paid ads to smooth out the rough edges. SEO still drives quality traffic to a website, but most companies want a well-balanced mix of marketing tactics to ensure their strategy stays afloat.

SEO will continue to be a concern for most businesses who compete online, but many of them have shifted budgets to other areas like digital marketing, mobile apps, and email marketing.

#4. Keywords Rule

Keywords were once the “big thing” in SEO. That statement is not as true as it once was. For the most part, Google and other engines don’t place the emphasis they once did on keywords. That means website authors have become less mechanical in their work. There’s no point in stuffing keywords just to face a stiff penalty from Google. Now, most content producers spend their time writing competent articles that rely heavily on research.

Keyword research is still an important discipline, but it’s not the sole driving force behind why a firm produces content. Once a writer finishes that initial research, it’s crucial to create content that covers a subject well.

#5. Site Owners Can Safely Ignore Technical Issues

Too many webmasters and site owners think they can get away with ignoring technological aspects of managing web content. Nothing could be further from the truth. Any problems that prevent usability or indexing can cost dearly. Websites need to function properly and operate fast. The average web user won’t stick around for mistakes, and search engines downgrade any website that malfunctions.

It’s crucial that the site owners ensure all website basics work from the beginning. The site structure, the type of architecture and the infrastructure all determine performance. Top search engine optimizers guarantee all the elements are in place for a website before they attempt to boost rankings. Google has always loved state of the art websites, so many companies pay a lot to ensure they are running in modern datacenters. However, you can’t just pay your way to the top. One of the most important elements to maintaining a top performing site is constant monitoring. Optimization is an ongoing process of tweaks.

If you’re in it for the long-term, SEO is a rewarding endeavor. There’s no reason to ignore the benefits of gaining organic traffic. However, you have to maintain a wide-angle view of many other moving parts at the same time. In the “old days,” it would pay to focus on search engines only. They were paramount to all your efforts. These days, the wider the approach you take, the better. There are many useful apps and websites to work. You do not have to focus on your site only. You may as well represent your business across the full spectrum of social networks to ensure the widest possible audience. SEO is still a potent weapon, what’s different now is how to wield it! Now’s an ideal time to speak to an SEO expert who can guide you through the process. If you want the benefits of search engine optimization, a professional is always a good idea.