Marketing Plan Update

How is your marketing plan looking so far in 2020? How do you review, analyze and update it to stay on track with your goals? Read on to find ways to tackle your marketing plan from big to small changes.

Looking Forward to 2020 Blog Trends

What blog trends will we see in 2020? With the new year behind us and with nearly 77% of internet users reading blogs regularly, it may be time to either look at your brand’s marketing content strategy or introduce one with a high priority on blog content.

2020 Marketing Guide – Moving Forward after the Holiday Madness

Wow – 2019 sure went fast! The holiday seasonal campaign is officially over and while we think we have time for rest, it looks dim. Your company’s mindset has to switch in to high gear to start off the New Year implementing fresh ideas; but what does 2020 have in store for marketers?

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation—what is it? Marketing automation is utilizing software that will alleviate manual marketing activity to have deployment of collateral automated for increasing lead generation for your company.

How-to Create a Social Media Content Calendar

What is a social media content calendar? The social media content calendar is a very helpful tool in defining what, where, and when your company will publish developed social content. It will encompass the complete social marketing strategy and break it up in to a cohesive and consistent message throughout your fiscal year and/or campaign(s) schedule(s).